Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Slowking Prime from the yet to be released Undaunted set. This is a stage 1, Psychic type Prime card with an hp of 100. Slowking has a x2 weakness to Psychic type Pokemon, no resistance type and a retreat cost of two colorless energy cards. Slowking's Poke-Power is called Opponent's Choice and this power lets you every turn look at the top two cards of your deck, show them to your opponent and then have your opponent choose one of them for you to put in your hand, the other card you have to place on the bottom of your deck. In my opinion this is a really good Poke-Power especially since it gives you two cards instead of 1 card every turn and unlike some other moves where you have to discard cards when you take some from your deck you get to keep both cards you draw with this move. Slowking's only move is called Super Psy Bolt and this move does the standard 60 damage for 3 energy cards, 2 colorless and 1 Psychic. So as far as strategy goes I would recommend getting Slowking Prime onto your bench as soon as possible so that you can utilize its Poke-Power and once you get 3 energy cards on Slowking you are set for the rest of the game with this card since you never have to discard any energy cards or anything. So I would rate this card a 4 out of 5 because it is slightly above average, its move, Super Psy Bolt, is dead on average but with Opponent's Choice enabling you to get one more card each turn, it bumps this card up from a 3 to a 4, so thanks for reading today's review of Slowking Prime from the Undaunted set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Scizor Prime from the Undaunted set as well.
I really like these Prime cards. The close-up of the pokemon is really nice and looks extraordinary. I especially like this one, The dark background really makes Slowkings' bright colors pop. (also makes him kind of evil, with half of his face being darker and his >.> face) :)
^ The comment above is impressive. All I have to say.
Uxie Lv X is a better version of slowking. only difference is that u get to choose, not ur opponent with uxie.
Well thanks GamersCountry. :)
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