Sunday, June 21, 2015

Wurmple -- Roaring Skies Pokemon Card Review

Wurmple Roaring Skies Pokemon Card
Pokemon Card Overview:
Today's Pokemon Card Review is of Wurmple from the Roaring Skies set.  Wurmple is a basic, grass type Pokemon card with an hp of 60.  It has a x2 weakness to fire type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a one colorless energy card retreat cost.  Wurmple does not have an Ability but it does have two moves.  The first move that this card has is called Flock, for one grass energy card this move allows you to search your deck for a Wurmple card and put it onto your bench.  Wurmple's second move is called Tackle, this move does 20 damage for two colorless energy cards.

Pokemon Card Strategy:
So as far as strategy goes, since Wurmple is a basic Pokemon card with two stage 1 evolution forms in Silcoon and Cascoon and two stage 2 evolution forms in Beautifly and Dustox, which I'll be reviewing the next few days, you'll more than likely want to use some of those Pokemon with this card, however, since I have not reviewed any of those cards yet, I will just act like Wurmple does not have any evolution forms and that it will be used on its own.  On its own, this card could be used on its own since it has a low retreat cost and can attack for only one or two energy cards, however, looking at Wurmple's Flock move, this move will work better if you intend to evolve Wurmple into one of its Stage 1 forms.  So basically, if you use this card on its own, it has one move that does 20 damage for two energy cards, two colorless energy cards is nice, but I still think this card is a bit too slow for my liking to use it as a starter type Pokemon in a deck.

Pokemon Card Rating:
I would give this card a 2 out of 5 rating.  In my opinion, this is a slightly below average Basic Pokemon card from the Roaring Skies set.  I do like that this card has a solid HP and two moves, but like I mentioned in the strategy section of this post, if you don't use this card with one of its Stage 1 forms, this card is pretty limited on what it can do and is a little slow on the attack.  So if you're looking for a Basic Pokemon card to use in your deck, there are plenty of other Pokemon to use out there that are better than this card.

Tomorrow's Pokemon Card:
So thanks for reading today's Pokemon card review of Wurmple from the Roaring Skies Pokemon Card set, stay tuned for tomorrow's card review of Wurmple's stage 1 evolution in Silcoon, which is also from this same set.  Make sure to check below for the Free Pokemon TCG Online Codes!

Free Pokemon TCG Online Code Cards:
Today's Quiz for a Pokemon TCG Online Code Card --
How many total Wurmple cards have I reviewed on my blog?
Please comment with your answer and a link to your YouTube channel.  Only one entry per person per day.  Approximately 24 hours after this review has been posted, I will use a random number generator to select a commenter who has commented with the correct answer. 


Cabal said...
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Cabal said...

You had reviewed a total of 2 Wurmple cards on your blog, Wurmple (Common, 3/108) from Roaring Skies on 21th June, 2015 and Wurmple (Common, 6/124) from Dragons Exhalted on 6th August, 2012.


Unknown said...

You had reviewed a 2 Wurmple cards on your blog. The first Wurmple card you reviewed was on August 6th, 2012 (from Dragons Exhalted, Common: 6/124) and the second Wurmple card you reviewed was on June 21st, 2015 (from Roaring Skies, Common: 3/108). In total you had reviewed 2 Wurmple cards.

whoppenot 360

Unknown said...

You have reviewed a total of 2 Wurmple cards The first one you reviewed was on August 6th,2012 From Dragons Exalted common 6/124 and the second one you reviewed on June 21st 2015 from Roaring Skies, common 3/108 So in total you have reviewed one from Dragons Exalted and one from Roaring Skies

The Pokemon Cards Collector
YouTube Channel link

Unknown said...

You have reviewed two Wurmple cards in total on your blog: Dragons Exalted; Common (6/124) - August 6th, 2012 and Roaring Skies; Common (3/108) - June 21st, 2015.

Kai Tung Ng

Unknown said...

You've reviewed 2 Wurmple cards on this blog: one from Dragons Exalted (6/124) and the other from Roaring Skies (3/108).

YouTube name: Naushin Chowdhury

Unknown said...

2 wurmple

Unknown said...

This is the 2nd wurmple u have reviewed on this blog


Unknown said...

2 wurmple p.s. you wrote that you like the low HP. http.//youtubeuserlarrygoldstein/

Unknown said...

you have reviewed 2 wurmples in your blog

PrimetimePokemon said...

Congrats to Cabal for winning!