Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Kabutops from the Majestic Dawn set, this is a stage 2, fighting type Pokemon card, with an hp of 120. It has a +30 weakness to grass type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a 2 colorless energy card retreat cost. Kabutops' Poke-Body is called Primal Shell and says that as long as Kabutops is your active Pokemon, your opponent can't play any trainer cards. Kabutops' only move is called Chop Up and for 3 energy cards, 1 colorless and 2 fighting, it does 70 damage plus 10 damage to each of your opponent's benched Pokemon that has any damage counters on it. So as far as strategy goes you would want to make sure you could keep Kabutops in the active Pokemon spot as long as possible so your opponent couldn't use any trainers at all and you should be able to do that quite easily by using Chop Up every turn, I would also recommend having another Pokemon in your deck that does 10 damage to every benched Pokemon, that way when you move Kabutops into the active Pokemon position it can do 70 damage to the active Pokemon and 50 more damage to the five Pokemon on your opponent's bench. I would give this card a 5 out of 5, I really like this card, I like how it does way more than the standard 60 damage for 3 energy cards and I also really like its Poke-Body and with decks that rely on stage 1 and stage 2 Pokemon cards, they will really be hurting if they aren't able to use trainer cards to search their deck for those cards. So thanks for reading today's review of Kabutops from the Majestic Dawn set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Leafeon from the same set.
first 5 out of 5 ive seen wow thx for review bro.
Nice! 5 out of 5! I really do like this card too. In addition to your strategy, I think a damage mover like Espeon (Undaunted) would work well prior to getting Kabutops out. Your strategy is probably still way better because getting Espeon AND Kabutops might take too much time. Really loving the reviews! Are you going to run through Majestic Dawn for awhile?
@Spriggan18 thanks
@Radius yes I'm going to be finishing off all the rares in the Majestic Dawn set and then I will start reviewing Call of Legends
awesome review!
Love love love this card.
Of course, I have a softspot for Kabutops.
Spot on review, I might have to try a fun deck based around him.
I like Kabutops. It'd work really well with the Spiritomb from PL Arceus to evolve quickly. Ironically, their PokeBody's are the same as well. I like this Kabutops because he also gets damage out to the bench and his attack is pretty good for 3 energy cards. Strap on an expert belt for 140 hp and 90 attack and he's a definite power house. Nice review!
As long as you've got some hp Healing Trainers, you could keep Kabutops alive for a while. plus for only 3 energy you can do 70 damage. you would be able t get that even before you evolve Kabuto into Kabutops then start a rampage while not letting your opponent use any trainers to stop them from using any healing cards on whatever Kabutops doesn't kill in one hit.
i wud definitely use this card in a deck if i had the chance to cause its a beast
Seriously a deck without trainers really falls apart fast. That card is insane.
i agree with the five out of five rating, awesome review!
Awesome review keep it up.
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