Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Aerodactyl from the Majestic Dawn set, this is a stage 1, colorless type Pokemon card, with an hp of 80. It has a +20 weakness to electric type Pokemon, a -20 resistance to fighting type Pokemon, and a one colorless energy card retreat cost. It's Poke-Body is called Primal Claw and says that after your opponent's Pokemon uses a Poke-Power put 2 damage counters on it. Besides the Poke-Body, Aerodactyl only has one move, it is called Supersonic and this move does 30 damage for two colorless energy cards and if you get a heads when you flip a coin the defending Pokemon is now confused. So as far as strategy goes I could definitely see having at least one of these cards in any deck I make just for its Poke-Body since it punishes Pokemon for using Poke-Powers plus since it is a colorless Pokemon you can use its moves with any type energy and Supersonic is a pretty good move doing a fair amount of damage and confusing the defending Pokemon and having the possibility of doing 60 damage in less than two turns if the defending Pokemon is confused when it tries to attack. So I would give this card a 4 out of 5 because even though it is really good, to me it seems like a basic Pokemon card with its stats and moves since it does evolve from a fossil but I don't know if it would be completely worth it to put two Old Amber Cards and then one or two Aerodactyls in a deck just for its Poke-Body. But looking at this card by itself it is very good and definitely worth considering if you are looking for a card to disrupt your opponent's strategies. So thanks for reading today's review of Aerodactyl from the Majestic Dawn set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Bronzong from the same set.
I absolutely love the art on this Aerodactyl. It's too bad it doesn't have another move, I think they could have added a 4 colorless move for a higher attack but this card is pretty beast. I like his Poke-body by putting 2 damage counters on every pokemon that uses their Poke-Power since many meta players use Primes and such with distinct Poke-Powers that are essential for winning their game and with Aero you can slowly pile damage counters on them. Great review PrimetimePokemon. I really loved this one! Keep up the great work!
very good review primetimepokemon! I Think your card reviews are very helping and handy. You are so generous and nice! from your friend...
If this card were simply a basic pokemon, it would be all but a staple in any deck. Even with the need for old ambers, it is still incredibly useable.
Plus the art is just really cool.
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