Before I get started with today's card review, I would like to point out the bottom section of this review, from now on I will include that Free Online Pokemon TCG Code Card section, each day, at a random time I will post 2 codes in that section, it is a first come first serve basis, but for the courtesy of others please comment if you've used the code...so today's Pokemon Card Review is of Prinplup from the Dark Explorers Pokemon Card Set. This is a stage 1, water type Pokemon card, with an hp of 80, it has a x2 weakness to electric type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a two colorless energy card retreat cost. Prinplup doesn't have an Ability but it does have two moves, the first move is called Razor Wing and does 20 damage for one colorless energy card. Prinplup's second move is called Fury Attack and for three energy cards, two colorless and one water, it does 30 damage times the number of heads you get when you flip three coins.
Pokemon Card Strategy:
So as far as strategy goes, since this is a stage 1 Pokemon card that has a stage 2 evolution, you'll want to evolve Prinplup as soon as possible into Empoleon, since Empoleon has a higher hp, and can do more damage, consistently. So I would recommend keeping Prinplup on the bench until you evolve it into Empoleon, but if you have to put Prinplup into the active Pokemon card spot, I would use Fury Attack every turn, if you have the necessary energy cards, but if you don't or you can for sure knock out the defending Pokemon with 20 damage make sure to use Razor Wing. One thing that is good about this card is that it requires mainly colorless energy cards so you can easily mix this card into a multiple type deck. Since Prinplup is part of the Empoleon evolution line, if I were to use this card I would only use it if I was going to use Empoleon, and I would use either a 4-3-2, or 3-2-1 line of Piplup, Prinplup, and Empoleon.
Pokemon Card Rating:
I would give this card a 3 out of 5 rating. This card has some pros and cons about it which overall amount to an average card. Prinplup's hp is pretty low which may end up meaning it gets knocked out before you can evolve it to Empoleon, also Fury Attack may do 90 damage or may do 0 damage you don't know so even though it is a good move it is risky. So there is just too much risk with this card to give it anything more than an above average rating.
Tomorrow's Pokemon Card:
So thanks for reading today's Pokemon card review of Prinplup from the Dark Explorers set, stay tuned for tomorrow's card review of Palpitoad from the same set.
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