Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Unown P from the Majestic Dawn set. This is a basic, psychic type Pokemon with an hp of 50. It has a +10 weakness to psychic type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a one colorless energy card retreat cost. Before I go any further the only reason I am reviewing this card is I wanted to review all the rare cards in the Majestic Dawn set and since this card is a rare I am going to review it. So Unown P's Poke-Power is called Put and it says that once during your turn if Unown P is on your bench you may put 1 damage counter on one of your Pokemon. Its only move is called Hidden Power and for one psychic energy card, Unown P does 20 damage plus 20 damage more for each unown card that is discarded when each player discards the top card from each of their decks. As far as strategy goes I would never use this card EVER, I absolutely hate Unown cards and there is absolutely no point to them. You can't evolve these cards so there is no point to using them, and its move Hidden Power will never do more than twenty damage unless both decks are just stocked with Unown cards which more than likely they won't be. I guess you could try to really strategize your deck and use moves or trainers that allow you to search for a card in your deck and then put it on the top of your deck but why would you want to have more than one Unown card in your deck? Also I don't understand Unown P's Poke-Power at all, why would you want to damage your own Pokemon? It does not make any sense at all, that is why I am giving this card a 0 out of 5, stay away from all Unown cards no matter what, there is no need for them in the TCG and I have no idea why the Pokemon creators even created these Pokemon at all, I absolutely hate them and there is no reason why an Unown card should ever be a rare card at all. So thanks for reading my bashing of Unown cards and stay tuned for a more positive review tomorrow of Vaporeon from the Majestic Dawn set.
Why don't you tell us how you really feel? =P Unown are just as effective in-game...
1 Unknown is good^^
The Unknown Q is great ;)
It's actually really nice to see a bad card review. I feel like most people give great reviews to cards that are just plain awful. Nice to see a zero out of five for once. Validates true opinion.
It's a great card for an Ursaring prime deck.
You need to damage Ursaring to activate its pokebody.
I have one of them in my own Ursaring/Typlosion deck :)
you know you have couple of different attacks that deal loaaadz of damage if the pokemon has damage counters on it. And also there are cards that allows you to move the damage counters between your pokemons. It is a basic pokemon and attacks with only 1 energy card, and deals 20 with it - which is cool. If you use unown with trainers, like pokedex and alike, it would make a great control deck. As you can see, you can use this card to build an amazing combo deck. No need to bash a card just because you don't like it =)
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