Friday, December 21, 2012

Golduck #34/143 -- Boundaries Crossed Pokemon Card Review

Golduck Boundaries Crossed Pokemon Card
Pokemon Card Overview:
Today's Pokemon Card Review is of Golduck from the Boundaries Crossed Pokemon Card Set.  This is the first of two Golduck cards I'll be reviewing from this set.  I sure hope one of these Golduck cards is a bit better than the Psyduck cards in this set.  So today's Golduck card is a stage 1, water type Pokemon card, with an hp of 80.  It has a x2 weakness to lightning type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a free retreat cost.  Golduck does not have an Ability, but it does have two moves.  Its first move is called Confuse Ray and for one colorless energy card this move confuses the defending Pokemon.  Golduck's second move is called Water Gun, this move requires two energy cards, one each of water and colorless, and does 30 damage.

Pokemon Card Strategy:
So as far as strategy goes, since Golduck is a stage 1 Pokemon card, you'll first have to get Psyduck into play (I reviewed both Psyduck cards from this set the past two days) and then evolve Psyduck into Golduck.  If you've read the past two reviews I've written, I don't think either Psyduck card is very good from this set, so you'll never want to put Psyduck into the active Pokemon spot until you can evolve it into Golduck.  Once you get Golduck in play, you can move it into the active Pokemon spot whenever you like because it has a free retreat cost and can retreat whenever without wasting energy cards.  I would for sure have one energy card on Golduck before moving it into the active Pokemon spot.  I would try to include Pokemon in the deck that takes advantage of confused Pokemon, that way you can put Golduck in for a turn, use Confuse Ray, then retreat it the next turn, putting that Pokemon into play that benefits from battling confused Pokemon.  This card would fit well in almost any type deck because it requires mostly colorless energy cards.  If you want to use something other than Confuse Ray make sure to have some water energy cards in your deck, and I would use Water Gun if you don't plan on moving Golduck in and out of play consistently, and just plan on keeping it in the active Pokemon spot for awhile.  I would recommend using this card in a deck, I think it is a solid stage 1 Pokemon card, I would consider using a 2-2 or 2-1 line of Psyduck and Golduck in a deck.

Pokemon Card Rating:
I would give this card a 3 out of 5 rating.  In my opinion this is a very solid stage 1 Pokemon card and is definitely worth its value in any deck.  I like how this card has a free retreat cost, and two good moves.  Unfortunately it doesn't have a very high hp and its previous evolution is very weak, at least if you use one of the Psyduck cards from this deck.  So overall, I would give this line a 3 out of 5 rating, I think you can get away with only needing 1 maybe 2 Psyduck in a deck, and not really needing to use it before you evolve it into Golduck, so I am giving this entire line an average rating.

Tomorrow's Pokemon Card:
So thanks for reading today's Pokemon card review of Golduck from the Boundaries Crossed set, stay tuned for tomorrow's card review of the second Golduck card from this set.  Make sure to check below for the Free Pokemon TCG Online Codes!

Free Pokemon TCG Online Code Cards:
Today's Quiz for a Pokemon TCG Online Code Card --
How many rare Pokemon cards of Golduck are in the TCG, and what sets are these rare cards from?
Please respond by including your YouTube username and link to your YouTube channel.  If the question is quite tough, the first correct comment will win, otherwise I'll use a random number generator to choose a winner.


Unknown said...

There are 5 rare Golducks,in:
EX Sandstorm
Secret Wonders
Boundaries Crossed

Unknown said...

5 Golducks - EX Sandstorm, Secret Wonders, Platinum, Triumphant, and Boundaries Crossed

Unknown said...

5 Golducks - EX Sandstorm, Secret Wonders, Platinum, Triumphant, and Boundaries Crossed

Unknown said...

5 rare Golduck cards in total:
1.)EX Sandstorm
2.)Secret Wonders
5.)Boundaries Crossed

BlingzBoy said...

EX Sandstorm
Secret Wonders
Boundaries Crossed

Unknown said...

Golduck appears as a rare card in 5 sets,
EX Sandstorm
Secret Wonders
Boundaries Crossed

Hrishikesh Pangarkar said...

5 rare Golducks,
Secret Wonders
EX Sandstorm
Boundaries Crossed

Toh said...

5 rare Golducks,
Secret Wonders
EX Sandstorm
Boundaries Crossed

Youtube username: maxtoh123

Daniel Fermo de Oliveira said...

5 Rares: EX Sandstorm, Secret Wonders, Platinum, Triumphant and Boundaries Crossed.

If you count Misty's and Sabrina's Golducks, there are two more, both on Gym Challenge, and Misty's a Holo-Rare.

Pikachu_Chris said...
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Pikachu_Chris said...

There Are 5 Golducks

EX Sandstorm
Secret Wonders
Boundaries Crossed


Colaman-112 said...
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Colaman-112 said...
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Unknown said...

There is 6 rare Golduck cards(if this includes Sabrina's Golduck and not including Rare Holo Misty's Golduck from Gym Challenge)

English Sets:
Gym Challenge
EX Sandstorm
Secret Wonders
Boundaries Crossed

Japanese Sets:
Challenge from the Darkness
Miracle of the Desert
Shining Darkness
Galactic's Conquest
Clash at the Summit
Cold Flare


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

there are a total of 13 including the Japanese ones and hollos these are from the following sets

1)EX Sandstorm
2)Secret Wonders
5)Boundaries Crossed
6)Miracle of the Desert
7)Shining Darkness
8)Galactic's Conquest
9)Clash at the Summit
10)Gym Challenge
11)Leaders' Stadium
12)Gym Challenge
13)Challenge from the Darkness

youtube account--- Soler, I messaged u yesterday))

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

7 rares:
English Expansion:

ex sandstorm
secret wonders
boundaries crossed
and 2 in gym challenge

Japanese Expansions:

Miricle of the desert
shining darkness
galactic's conquest
clash at the summit
challenge from the darkness
and leaders' stadium

youtube: thebloodmarine55

Unknown said...

7 from:
1)EX SandStorm
2)Secret Wonders
5)Boundaries Crossed
6)Sabrina's Golduck from Gym Challenge
7)Misty's Golduck From Gym Challenge

Jeremy said...

There are 7 rare Golducks
1) EX sandstorm
2) Secret Wonders
3) Platinum
4) Triumphant
5) Boundaries Crossed
6) Misty's golduck (rare holo)- Gym Challenge
7) Sabrina's Golduck - Gym Challenge

and I feel like AP would win MVP if he breaks the record and the viks make the playoffs. but the award is so biased towards QBs. Or he might end up co-sharing it with Manning.

Jeremy said...

lol, i always forget to put my youtube name.

Pitágoras said...

1_EX Sandstorm
2_ Secret Wonders
3_ Platinum
4_ Triumphant
5_ Boundaries Crossed
6_ Gym Challenge Misty's Golduck
7_ Gym Challenge Sabrina's Golduck

PrimetimePokemon said...

Congrats to Daniel Fermo de Oliveira for winning, there are 7 Golduck rare cards in the TCG.