Today's Pokemon Card Review is of Golem 4 from the Rising Rivals set. This is a basic SP, fighting type Pokemon card, with an hp of 110. It has a x2 weakness to grass type Pokemon, a -20 resistance to electric type Pokemon, and a 4 colorless energy card retreat cost. Golem doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves, its first move is called Rage and for three energy cards, one fighting and two colorless it does 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on Golem. So it has the possibility of doing 120 damage for three energy cards. Golem's second move is called Double-Edge and for four energy cards, three colorless and one fighting it does 100 damage but it then does 60 damage to itself.
Pokemon Card Strategy:
So as far as strategy goes, Golem 4 is an extremely slow Pokemon. So I would make sure and stock it up with energy cards on my bench before putting it into the active Pokemon spot. And if you have to play it right away with no energy cards, prepare to be knocked out. I would recommend putting 4 energy cards on Golem and then putting it into the active Pokemon spot, first I would use Double-Edge to get 60 damage on Golem and hopefully knock out the defending Pokemon, then the next turn, if I still am alive, I would use Rage and do 80 damage and not have to take any more damage on myself. I would keep using this move until Golem feinted, since it is a waste to use up four energy cards to retreat and then have to start attaching them again to it on the bench.
Pokemon Card Rating:
Before I started to really review this card I was going to give it a horrible score because it needed so much energy to do anything and it had a low hp and high retreat cost. But now after actually reviewing it, this card is basically guaranteed to knock out at least one Pokemon if you can attach energy cards on it before you put it into the active Pokemon spot. For this reason alone I am going to give this card a 3 out of 5 rating instead of a 1 out of 5 like I was thinking right away.
Tomorrow's Pokemon Card:
So thanks for reading today's Pokemon card review of Golem 4 from the Rising Rivals set, stay tuned for tomorrow's card review of Heracross 4 from the same set.
Hey! Primetime pokemon, I know a great website for buying pokemon cards,www.toywiz.com, they have almost every single card!
Yeah kinda why I don't bother to put pokemon SP in my decks....
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