Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Steelix from the Unleashed set. Steelix is a stage 1, metal type Pokemon card with an hp of 120. It has a x2 weakness to fire type Pokemon, a -20 resistance type to Psychic Pokemon, and a retreat cost of 4 colorless energy cards. Steelix does not have a Poke-Power of Poke-Body but it does have two moves, the first move is called Guard Press and does 40 damage for 3 energy cards, 1 metal and 2 colorless. Besides doing the damage, when you use Guard Press, during your opponent's next turn any damage done to Steelix by attacks is reduced by 20. Steelix's second move is called Steel Swing and this move does 80 damage times the number of heads you get when you flip two coins, this move requires 4 energy cards, 2 each of metal and colorless. As far as strategy goes you're going to want to have some energy cards on Steelix before you use it since both of its moves cost quite a bit energy-wise. I would either evolve Steelix on the bench or find a good Onix card to use in the deck which I could then put into my active Pokemon spot and attack with that card until I could use Steelix. When Steelix is the active Pokemon I would mostly use Steel Swing which is somewhat unusually for me since I don't usually like to use moves that are coin based but in this case since each heads you get is 80 damage it is well worth it to take the risk of getting two tails, but more than likely you should be able to do at least 80 damage every other turn. The only time I would consider using Guard Press is if Steelix would be knocked out the next move or if the defending Pokemon has 40 hp or less on it before it would be knocked out. I wouldn't rely on Guard Press too much though since an hp of 120 is high enough to last a few turns without needing to prevent damage or use a trainer to remove damage. I would rate this card a 3 out of 5 because even though Steelix does have good hp for a stage 1 Pokemon, and it does have two moves that can do quite a bit of damage, both moves cost a lot, and if you ever do need to retreat Steelix you'll have to give up all energy cards attached to it and pretty much take away any chance of using Steelix later in the game since it will take so long to get 3 or 4 energy cards back on it. So overall I think the good and bad balance evenly on this card so I rate it a 3 out of 5. So thanks for reading today's review of Steelix from the Unleashed set and stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Torkoal from the same set. I know there have been quite a few people who have signed up for my Blog to win a theme deck but I want to know who actually reads my reviews, so if you do read them, please comment below with your thoughts on my new video series' the Rare Pokemon Cards, Theme Deck Reviews, or How To Play the TCG. Tell me what you think about any of these and also after today's poll ends I will be starting a new Poll asking for your opinion on my FCBM videos and how often I should post them. So thanks for reading and if you post your comments below about anything I mentioned in this post you'll definitely have a better chance of winning a theme deck from me this Friday or in the future.
I read your blog every day, and it's nice, your reviews teach me alot of diffrent things so keep up the good work :)
I've been following your blog on twitter and I think it's pretty chill. Your reviews seem logical and so far I agree with all of them and the ratings you give the cards.
I think the Theme Deck reviews are probably the most interesting as picking which deck to start with is usually the hardest choice of a new player! :)
I've been silently reading your blog and watching your videos every day for a few months now c:
I really like the series you did on the theme deck review, I love card reviews. I have actually so many books of reviews of old base set cards.
I would love to see more videos that are review style from you, But I really appreciate the time you took to make the rarity videos, im sure they will help a lot of people.
Thanks to all three of you for responding, if you would like to post a comment on my Mind Flood Theme Deck Review on YouTube you may have a pretty good chance of winning, just make sure to read the instructions in the Underbar first.
i watch this all the time ps love ur vids and blog
I love the blog postings! All your reviews are very informative.
As for the new series: The How To Play is good, haven't been too many videos of that yet. The Theme Deck Review was informative, a little long, but I still loved it. I love the Rare Card Videos the most. Maybe you could even make shorter videos focusing just on one type of rare card and showing the ones you have and the ones you want/need of that type? Just a thought. Keep up the awesome work!
My thoughts on your Rare Pokemon Cards series are that it has helped me in identifying which cards are which and it has also helped me by by making me sound more professional in my card videos that I wish to have more of. Also, the Scyther EX you showed made me really jealous, because I love the way the E series EX cards look :)
Next, I am really enjoying the theme deck and card reviews you are doing. I check your blog every day after school and am always very excited to see it. I really like the Cresselia review you did because 1) It is one of my favorite pokemon and 2) it showed me how to actually use the poke-powers correctly. In addition to your blog card reviews, your youtube deck reviews have helped me in choosing which themes I should use for my deck. When you reviewd the Mind Flood deck, I went out and bought one. I know how to use the cards right, and made my own psychic and water deck which I may be putting on youtube to ask for tips on how to make it better.
Lastly, your videos on How to play the pokemon TCG has been helping me, however I wish you would make those kinds of videos more often out of all of the ones you do. I really wish to learn how to play from a long time collector and battler. I know how to read the cards now (with help from your card reviews helping me to USE the powers the right way) and also, referring to your theme deck video, it has saved me so much money. I never knew that they actually showed you what type deck it is and which pokemon are in it. For example, for christmas my brother got me a Nidoking deck. I was really excited, however, in your video you stated that you can see which pokemon and which type are in it. I realized that I didnt like the Nidoking one so much, so I exchanged it for an Espeon theme deck.
All in all, thank you so much for all these videos and giving me this chance to win one of your decks. I am so greatful and thankful, and even if this is random blabber and I do not win, I am looking forward to seeing what the next review has in store.
Omg i have the card maybe i might sent you on when i have the time and i would really like to win the contest for the chaos Control
Pretty sweet deck man in my opinion, can make it pretty competitive if i try. and im liking the new change in videos, besides openings and fcbms. although i do like openings the best, i mean who doesnt :P
^ post of above youtube user name ZeeAnteater
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