Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Charizard from the EX Crystal Guardians set. This is a stage 2, electric type Pokemon card, the reason Charizard isn't fire type is because this is a delta species card as you can see printed on the card in between the Pokemon's name and hp. Charizard has an hp of 120 and a x2 weakness to water type Pokemon. Charizard has no resistance type and has a retreat cost of two colorless energy cards. Charizard's Poke-Power is called Peal of Thunder, this Poke-Power you can use when you play Charizard from your hand to evolve one of your Pokemon you can look at the top five cards of your deck, take as many energy cards as you like out of those five cards and attach them to one of your Pokemon and discard the rest of the cards. This Poke-Power could definitely be better but if you have a Pokemon that needs a lot of energy cards you could get lucky and get 3 or 4 energy cards out of the 5 cards you look at and be able to attach them all to that Pokemon. The downside to this power is that you can only attach the energy cards to one Pokemon and you have to discard the cards you don't use. Charizard only has one move called Metal Burn which takes 4 energy cards to do, 1 electric, 2 metal, and 1 colorless, this move does an amazing damage of 120 but you have to discard all metal energy cards when you use this move. So at a minimum you'll have to discard at least 2 energy cards when you use this move. As far as strategy goes it is really straightforward since Charizard only has one move, I would try and use its Poke-Power on this card so you could use Metal Burn right away. I would rate this card a 2 out of 5. The reason I am giving this card a pretty low score is because of its only move Metal Burn. For one you need Metal Energy cards in your deck or special energy cards and you can only do this move once before waiting at least a turn or two to use it again, 120 damage might be a lot but a lot of Pokemon cards have moves that do 60 damage for only 3 energy cards and you don't have to do any discarding with those moves so you could do 120 damage in two turns every time, whereas this card you can do 120 damage once and then maybe not be able to use it again. So thanks for reading today's review of Charizard from EX Crystal Guardians, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Darkrai G from Rising Rivals.
sweet you going to do my card next!
what card is that again?
darkria g
how much is charizard metal and electric 120hp worth?
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