Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Umbreon Prime and as you can see from the picture this card is in Japanese because it is from the Undaunted set which comes out August 18th, I will try and come back and edit this picture when the English version is released but luckily Bulbapedia has this card translated so I can review it early. Umbreon Prime is a stage 1, dark type Pokemon card with an hp of 100, it has a x2 weakness to fighting type Pokemon and a -20 resistance to Psychic type Pokemon and a retreat cost of one colorless energy card. Umbreon's Poke-Power is called Cloud-Covered Moon and this move lets you flip a coin once a turn as long as Umbreon is your active Pokemon and if the coin is a heads you can return Umbreon and all cards attached to it back to your hand, so you can use this move instead of giving up a one energy card and having the risk of your opponent doing damage to your bench and knocking out Umbreon. Umbreon's only move is called Evoblast and this move takes 3 energy cards, 1 darkness energy and two colorless energy cards, Evoblast does 50 damage plus 10 more damage for each Pokemon in play that evolves from Eevee. So to do any more damage than 50 with this move you'll either have to have another Umbreon in play or you'll have to have a deck with another type of energy card in it or use special energy cards to power that other Eevee evolution. I would rate this card a 3 out of 5 because even though it has a decent hp of 100 and it does have a Poke-Power and a somewhat powerful move but both things could be better, it's Poke-Power could let any active Pokemon retreat if you flip a heads instead of just Umbreon and its move should take into account that there probably won't be too many more Eevee evolutions in play so I think that move should have been only two energy cards instead of three, but both Poke-Power and move are average and Umbreon Prime does have a resistance type so that is why I rated this card a 3 out of 5. So thanks for reading my review of Umbreon Prime from the Undaunted set stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Espeon Prime from the Undaunted set.
Hey primetime,
wanna meet up on pokemon d/p/hg/pl?
Can you follow me primetime?
@PokeFreak I can't because I don't have those games and I'll look at your blog to see if I should follow you or not.
I thought on your video you said you had them.
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