Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day: Toxicroak (Majestic Dawn)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Toxicroak from the Majestic Dawn set, this is a stage 1, psychic type Pokemon card, with an hp of 90. It has a +20 weakness to psychic type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a one colorless energy card retreat cost. It doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves, the first move is called Paralyze Poison and for one psychic energy card, Toxicroak does 20 damage plus poisons the defending Pokemon and if you get a heads when you flip a coin the defending Pokemon is also paralyzed. Toxicroak's second move is called Slash and does the standard 3 energy cards for 60 damage, in Toxicroak's case it does 60 damage for 1 psychic energy card and two colorless energy cards. As far as strategy goes I would use Toxicroak for its first move, Paralyze Poison, I would try and make the defending Pokemon poisoned and then hopefully make them paralyzed and then the next turn retreat Toxicroak and move in a Pokemon that does a bit more damage, I wouldn't waste 3 energy cards on Toxicroak for Slash I would rather just retreat it and put in another Pokemon that either does more damage per attack or spreads damage to the opponent's benched Pokemon since the defending Pokemon is now poisoned and will have damage done to it every turn. So I would give this card a 3 out of 5 rating because it is very average with 90 hp and a 60 damage/3 energy card move. I like how it can inflict two special conditions at once and that it has a low retreat cost but I see this card as a catalyst to another card in your deck. So thanks for reading today's review of Toxicroak from the Majestic Dawn set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Umbreon from the same set.


Unknown said...

I completely agree with you. Using paralyze poison and then retreating Toxicroak for a more powerful pokemon is great strategy!

Unknown said...

I want that stellix deck and you should just show us what cards you have for trade on your channel

RossNeilson said...
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RossNeilson said...

Hey man, this is for the stelix deck.
You should show which cards you have for trade, and which cards you would like to have! Also you should make more decks. i found your magmortar deck and your kingdra deck very interesting, it was useful to know how the cards could be used strategically! Keep up the good work!
Oh and perhaps every so often, you could pick a cool pokemon (E.g mewtwo, Machamp so on ) and show us every version of card you have of it.

Anonymous said...

i like your card reviews, they show that u would say thank u to ur fans bby having a giveaway.