Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day: Infernape (Majestic Dawn)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Infernape from the Majestic Dawn set, this is a stage 2, fire type Pokemon card with an hp of 110. It has a +30 weakness to water type Pokemon and no resistance type or retreat cost. Infernape doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves, the first move is called Mach Punch and for one colorless energy card this move does 30 damage plus it does 10 damage to one of your opponent's benched Pokemon. Infernape's second move is called Mega Bravo and this move requires only 1 fire energy card and does 40 damage times the number of fire energy cards you discard from Infernape when you discard all energy cards attached to it. So as far as strategy goes I could definitely see using this card in a deck because it has free retreat costs so you can move it in and out of play as often as you like and both of its moves only require one energy card. I would try and get in play with as much energy on it as possible, I would recommend 3 energy cards that way I could use Mega Bravo, knock out the defending Pokemon and retreat the next turn. I would give this card a 3 out of 5 for a rating, I keep going back and forth on this card wondering if it is really that good or bad but you could definitely make this card extremely good if you used this card with a card that retrieved energy cards from the discard pile and distributed them to your benched Pokemon, that way you could stock up Infernape really fast every turn and just about every other turn you would be able to rotate Infernape in and knock out the defending Pokemon. But on the other hand it does have an extremely low hp for a stage 2 Pokemon with only 110 and it won't be able to last real long if you keep it in play too long. So thanks for reading today's review of Infernape from the Majestic Dawn set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Jolteon from the same set. And before you go here is your chance to win my Chaos Control theme deck that I reviewed on YouTube, be the first one to enter the following in the comment section of this review and you will win: Please enter your YouTube username first and then Tyranitar Rules! So to win you need to post your YouTube username and then Tyranitar Rules! Be the first one to do this and win the Tyranitar deck. Good luck and thanks for being such great subscribers and followers.


jerayjay said...

Jerayjay - Tyranitar Rules!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

MrPaperpokemon22 i love this card i used it and i won for the first time. i like this card because chimchar was my starter

KameloxYx said...

f your going to use this card you better at least have one Non-Fire type energy card attached so you can use Mach Punch after a Whatever the second move is. Otherwise you might want sleep support just to keep it alive.

Nokia Sojiro said...

I actually quite like this card, but for an odd reason. Its 'stats' if you will are almost retro in nature. I could see this card being printed alongside of the original Neo series.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have this card up for trade?I'm trying to make a Fire+Lightning Deck with this.I'll make a video of what I want tomorrow, my user is HanzumKing.PLEASE, I NEED THIS CARD!!!

Unknown said...

Infernape is amazing! Great HP and Mega Bravo is a great attack.