Pokemon Links

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Shaymin Land Form Lv. X (Platinum)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Shaymin Land Form Lv. X, there are two Shaymin Level Xs from the Platinum set but I chose to review this one because I really like its Poke-Body. Starting things off Shaymin has 100 hp which isn't bad for a Stage 1 Lv. X card. A x2 weakness to fire Pokemon is really going to hurt Shaymin since 100 hp isn't that high overall and there are a lot of fire Pokemon out there ready to do x2 damage to this card. A -20 resistance to Water Pokemon is nice to have because Water Pokemon are the second most common type used and a 1 colorless energy retreat cost is good because you can easily retreat Shaymin and just use its Poke-Body the rest of the game. Wow, the more I look at this card the more I fall in love with it. First off Shaymin's Poke-Body Thankfullness provides every other grass Pokemon of yours in play with 40 additional hp, but this is excluding Shaymin. I would definitely want to have this card in any grass type deck I would ever make because 40 hp is a huge difference and most grass Pokemon already have high hp's so by adding 40 more to that they will become unstoppable and be able to last really long. Shaymin's only move Seed Flare is also really good, for 3 energy cards, 2 colorless and 1 grass, it does 40 hp damage plus 20 more damage for each energy card you move from your hand to one of your active Pokemon. So if you have even one grass energy card in your hand you will be able to do 60 damage for only 3 energy which is right about average. So as far as strategy goes, I would definitely keep Shaymin on your bench the whole game, I would try and use Seed Flare towards the beginning of the game so that you can stack up energy cards on your bench Pokemon and at the same time do some massive damage to your opponent's Pokemon, once I get enough energy cards on my other grass Pokemon I would retreat Shaymin Lv. X for the rest of the game and just use its Poke-Body so all your other grass Pokemon can have more hp and last longer. So I would definitely include this card in an all grass deck and I would try and find 1 or 2 other really powerful attackers to include in your grass deck so you can load them up with energy cards really fast by using Shaymin's move and then switch to one of those Pokemon and sit back and watch your opponent get all their Pokemon wiped out one after the other. So thanks for reading my Shaymin review and stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Floatzel GL Lv. X.


  1. Hey,
    This is a great card. I still prefer the sky forme on though. When are you going to do your next video on youtube? When are you going to open another booster box. I love watching you!!!!!!

  2. I meant to one, not on, sorry!

  3. Hey Primetime,
    Would you like to trade something for my Tyranitar ex?

  4. @Tyguy I won't be opening any booster boxes soon, I don't have the money, I will probably do a big opening again at the end of the summer. I am uploading another free cards video tomorrow.

  5. hey primetime i was just wondering since people are taking about it could u aslso do shaymin sky form and lemme guess ya i can probably get to that in a week so if u can thanks

  6. omg i love shaymin it is my all time fave pokemon but i have never been 2 1 of the nintendo events or witnessed any of the wi-fi events for it cos i was unaware of them at the time,so i dont have it on the game but in 2 weeks i'll get it as the card,but not the level x,by the way i dont agree with u lot who r all sayin that the sky forme is better.i used 2 think that but after i saw the giratina and the sky warrior film and how defensively the land forme used its Seed Flare move on dialga and giratina i was in love with the land forme ever since and preferred it since then.i still think the sky forme is ace and battle-wise it is better xxx
