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Friday, April 23, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Floatzel GL Lv. X (Rising Rivals)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Floatzel GL Lv. X, if you are wondering what GL means click here to find out. This is basically a stage 1 Pokemon since it evolves from a basic Pokemon so 100 hp is pretty good but the Shaymin I reviewed yesterday has 110 hp so this card definitely could be better. A x2 Weakness to electric Pokemon means that Floatzel can get knocked out pretty quick by a powerful electric type Pokemon but good thing it has a zero energy retreat cost so you can move it to your bench any time you want. Floatzel also doesn't have a resistance which would have been nice since this card doesn't have a very high hp for a level x. Now onto Floatzel's Poke-Body Water Rescue, this allows you to "rescue" any Water Pokemon that is knocked out by your opponent, by rescue I mean that instead of putting it in your discard pile you can put it back into your hand. Your opponent still gets to take a prize card but this Poke-Body is beneficial in two ways: It allows for one of your powerful Pokemon who is knocked out to be used again essentially right away. And it allows for you to be a little more dangerous with your Pokemon if you can just use them again in a few turns. Floatzel's only move Energy Cyclone does 20x damage for two water energy cards. However many energy cards you have in your hand and show to your opponent is the number of x20 damage you can inflict. This move can be powerful in one sense since you can have a lot of trainers and supporters that allow you to get a lot of energy cards into your hand but at the same time you can't add any other energy cards to any other Pokemon on your bench without losing some power of Energy Cyclone. My strategy for this card would be to really stack up your hand with energy cards and then only use Floatzel when you have at least 5 cards in your hand that are energy cards. I know this seems like a lot but you can use the regular Floatzel card in this set to do 5o hp damage every other turn. I would definitely keep this card on my bench if I had it in a water deck the whole time, since it keeps all your important cards that you used right away in your deck and allows you to use them again. This card can inflict a lot of damage with Energy Cyclone but it will take time to develop and if Floatzel is knocked out a lot of energy cards will be wasted. So thanks for reading this review and stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Garchomp from Supreme Victors.


  1. Nice card and good review I have a question on you, have it ever happened to you, that you pulled LV.X or Prime card as reverse foil?

  2. @PokemonWorldBranix I don't think that is possible, I wish it was though, they would be really cool cards. It sort of reminds me of the special cards you can get in the Legendary Collection set.

  3. Becuase I´ve just opened Meganium Prime tin and I got Typhlosion Prime and regular rare Tyrouge in 1 pack so... I don´t how it is possible but, pretty happy about that!

  4. You saud that water Pokemon that get knocked out by your opponent go back into your deck. It actually says it goes back into your hand.

  5. @Cheetahosu thanks for the correction

  6. i have that exactly i ll trade for articuno

  7. Nice review! I'm trying to read ALL the reviews you've done which will take me a while, but you're awesome so it's totally worth it. Just wanted to say that there's a typo here. The Shaymin you reviewed previously had 100 hp not 110. =)
