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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Flygon Lv. X

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Flygon Lv. X from the Rising Rivals set. When I first looked at this card I thought what an amazing card it can do 150 hp damage to any Pokemon it wants for only 3 energy cards but then I noticed it has to be a Lv. X Pokemon which ruined my excitement but nevertheless this card is still pretty powerful and even though Extreme Attack only can work on Lv. X cards you can still use regular Flygon's moves anytime you want. But enough with my complaining lets get to the review! Flygon Lv. X has 140 hp which is pretty good for basically a stage 3 Pokemon card, not many moves can knock it out in one move except if you're facing another Flygon Lv. X. Its x2 weakness to Normal type Pokemon is standard for a powerful Normal type Pokemon such as Flygon, a -20 resistance to electric Pokemon is different than the normal -20 resistance to fighting type Pokemon but both probably amount to about the same effectiveness since both types of Pokemon aren't used that much. What I really like about this card is that it has no retreat cost which allows it to go back and forth between active Pokemon and bench destroying Lv. X cards without ever losing any energy. Flygon's Poke-Body Wind Erosion can be really effective, it says if Flygon Lv. X is your active Pokemon then you should discard the top card of your opponent's deck between turns every turn. Not only does this limit the amount of cards your opponent will have available for him/her to find in their deck when they're searching using some type of trainer or supporter card, but also it makes them be careful about using too many cards to get cards out of the deck since Wind Erosion will make your opponent have a much higher risk of losing the game by running out of cards in their deck. Flygon's only move Extreme Attack is a very very powerful attack, it does 150 hp damage to any of your opponent's Lv. X Pokemon you choose for only 3 colorless energy cards. Not only is this a relatively low cost move with only needed 3 energy cards, but if your opponent has any Lv. X cards anywhere in play they are basically goners and this move doesn't need you to discard any energy or anything so you can use this move every turn without adding more energy cards to Flygon. As far as strategy goes with this card, I would make sure and stack your deck with the necessary trainers/supporters so you can get Flygon Lv. X as your active Pokemon as soon as possible, I would do this for two reasons, the first being that you can then utilize Flygon's Poke-Body and make your opponent discard a card from their deck every turn, and as long as you have 3 energy cards on Flygon you can do 2 things to your opponent, if they had any Lv. X cards anywhere in play you can use Extreme Attack and knock them out more than likely in 1 move, and secondly if they don't have any Lv. X cards in play, Extreme Attack will prevent them from using their Lv. X cards because they know they will be knocked out as soon as they evolve their Pokemon into Lv. X Pokemon. So after reviewing this card I would definitely try and include this card in my deck if I had the room, Extreme Attack and Wind Erosion are both extremely powerful and will cause a lot of damage to your opponent's strategy. Once again thanks for reading this review and stay tuned for tomorrow's Pokemon Card of the Day which will be Blaziken FB Lv. X from Supreme Victors.


  1. Really nice review! Thanks. With Flygon´s attacks such as Power Swing you can do a lot of damage if you have only few evolved benched Pokémon for only 3 Energy. It´s amazing.

  2. I have a Pokemon, Gallade, that can knock out a Pokemon with up to 180 HP. It's move is Psychic Cut, and only takes one fighting energy and two colorless energy. It does 60 damage, plus 20 more damage for each Prize Card you decide to face up. So not only is it good for attacking and single-turn knock-outs, but a good way to see your Prize Cards without sacraficing anything!

  3. @Cheetahosu sounds like a really good Pokemon card, what set is it from, I will probably have to do a review of it soon.

  4. It's from Series 7, you know those little 3-card Promo packs. I couldn't believe I pulled a card like that since you hardly ever get rares from those things.
