Pokemon Links

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I've been adding a lot to my blog lately, if you check on the right side of my blog where it says pages I've added two new pages, the first one entitled Definition of Special Pokemon Cards, gives the definition of every special Pokemon card out there, like Lv. X, ex, Prime, etc and also includes pictures so you can recognize which cards are which. The second page I added is a list of all the symbols for the different Pokemon sets so you can identify what set your Pokemon card is from by looking at the symbol on the card. Other than working on those two pages I really haven't done too much today, I ordered Dominos Pizza for supper, I just had a medium Pepperoni pizza, it was awfully tasty. I spent a lot of my day trying to write blogs from my Microsoft Word program but I couldn't figure out how to upload pictures from there, so I just gave up after about 2 and a half hours. I actually have a lot of homework to do this weekend, 3 group projects are due, but none of my groups wanted to work on our stuff today, so hopefully we will meet tomorrow. I guess Friday night I watched the movie Black Sheep, which stars Chris Farley and David Spade and is very funny if you haven't seen it before you should definitely check it out. I also see the Minnesota Twins won 2-1 today, to improve to 5-1 on the season, I can't wait for their home opener Monday where they play at their brand new Target Field, I'll be interested to see what it looks like when they're actually playing in it, I haven't been inside the field yet, but when I went to a Minnesota Timberwolves game earlier this year I was really close to Target Field so I got a good glimpse of it and it looks really nice, I just hope the weather turns out for the game. I'll probably end up watching the Twins tomorrow if I have time since I actually get the channel they're on tomorrow and they play at 12 or 1 in the afternoon against the Chicago White Sox. I guess I don't have too much more to say, so I'll talk to you guys tomorrow, so this is PrimetimePokemon, and I'm out.


  1. Hey, thanks for the symbols chart! I've looked for one before but never found one!

  2. @dade7117 no problem, I always need to look at one but could never find one, now I can just look on my own site and find one!

  3. On the Pokemon website, you can also see some of the series symbols, but not the ones like Base Set 2, Fossil/Jungle, or Team Rocket or any other really old cards like Neo. I really love the Definitions page! That really helped me since the TCG just seems to get more confusing with every new expansion series.

  4. Hey, I saw the Charizard at the bottem of the page by the polls. It looks so cool! How did you put PRIMETIMEPOKEMON on it?

  5. @Cheetahosu someone drew that for me on YouTube then sent it to me, I forget his name, but you can see his signature in the top right of the picture.
