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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Reuniclus -- Plasma Blast Pokemon Card Review

Reuniclus Plasma Blast Pokemon Card
Pokemon Card Overview:
Today's Pokemon Card Review is of Reuniclus from the Plasma Blast Pokemon Card Set.  Reuniclus is a stage 2, psychic type Pokemon card, with an hp of 100.  It has a x2 weakness to psychic type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a two colorless energy card retreat cost.  Reuniclus does not have an Ability, but it does have two moves.  The first move that this card has is called Barrier Attack, for one psychic energy card this move d oes 30 damage plus any attacks from your opponent during their next turn is reduced by 30.  Reuniclus's second move is called Telekinesis of Nobility, and for three energy cards, two colorless and one psychic, this move does 70 damage and allows you to switch Reuniclus with one of your benched Pokemon.

Pokemon Card Strategy:
So as far as strategy goes, since Reuniclus is a stage 2 Pokemon card, you'll first have to get Solosis into play and then evolve it into Duosion before you can evolve Duosion into Reuniclus, both of those Pokemon are from this set and I've reviewed both of them the last couple of days.  The previous two Pokemon in this family are quite horrible from this set so unless this card is extremely good I can already recommend not using this card in a deck.  So after summarizing this card in the overview section, I can absolutely recommend not using this card or any parts of this Pokemon family from the Plasma Blast set in your deck.  I say this because Reuniclus has a terribly low hp and neither of its moves make up for this fact.  If you do choose to use this line in your deck, I would not use more than a 1-1-1 line of Solosis, Duosion, and Reuniclus and would definitely make sure not to put Solosis into the active Pokemon spot but set it up on the bench.

Pokemon Card Rating:
I would give this card a 2 out of 5 rating.  In my opinion this is a below average stage 2 Pokemon card from the Plasma Blast Pokemon card set.  Like I mentioned earlier in this post, Reuniclus has an extremely low hp, so that is the main reason I'm giving this card a below average rating.  Other than the low hp, both of Reuniclus's moves are average and would be worth using if this card was a stage 1 card instead of stage 2.  Overall, the line of Solosis, Duosion, and Reuniclus from the Plasma Blast set get a 1 out of 5 rating from me, as a whole they are just miserable and should not be used in any deck ever.  Individually the cards received 1, 2, and 2 ratings respectively.  As you evolved from Solosis the cards got better.

Tomorrow's Pokemon Card:
So thanks for reading today's Pokemon card review of Reuniclus from the Plasma Blast set, stay tuned for tomorrow's card review of Golett, which is from this same set.  Make sure to check below for the Free Pokemon TCG Online Codes!

Free Pokemon TCG Online Code Cards:
Today's Quiz for a Pokemon TCG Online Code Card --
What happens when Reuniclus shake hands?
Please respond by including your YouTube username and link to your YouTube channel.  If the question is quite tough, the first correct comment will win, otherwise I'll use a random number generator to choose a winner.


  1. When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power

  2. When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power.
    Jacob aji varghese

  3. Quoting the Pokedex: "When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power."



  4. When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power.

  5. The Pokédex saids :"When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power."(Black,Y). According to the entry,a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power.

    Username: blingblingjingjing

    Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/blingblingjingjing

  6. When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power.


  7. network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power.

  8. A network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power.


  9. A network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power

  10. When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power.



  11. When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power


  12. When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power



  13. When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power.


  14. A network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power.



  15. A network forms their brains, increasing their psychic power



  16. When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power


  17. When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power


  18. network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power.

  19. A network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power.

    Justin McClarran


  20. When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power.


  21. Congrats to Jacob Aji Varghese for winning!
