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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Druddigon -- Plasma Blast Pokemon Card Review

Druddigon Plasma Blast Pokemon Card
Pokemon Card Overview:
Today's Pokemon Card Review is of Druddigon from the Plasma Blast Pokemon Card Set.  Druddigon is a basic, dragon type Pokemon card with an hp of 100. It has a x2 weakness to dragon type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a one colorless energy card retreat cost.  Druddigon does not have an Ability but it does have two moves.  The first move that this card has is called Big Swing, this move requires one fire energy card and does 40 damage, unfortunately if you get a tails when you flip two coins, this move does nothing.  Druddigon's second move is called Shred, this move requires three energy cards, two colorless and one water, and does 60 damage, this move's damage is not affected by anything on the defending Pokemon.

Pokemon Card Strategy:
So as far as strategy goes, since Druddigon is a basic Pokemon with no evolutions, you only have to use this Pokemon in your deck if you want to use this card.  With that being said, even though this card is a dragon type card, it requires both water and fire energy cards to attack.  Big Swing is a worthless move in my opinion, so you could easily get away with putting this card in a solely water type deck.  If you do choose to use this card in a deck, I wouldn't use more than 1 in that deck, I would set up Druddigon on the bench, put three energy cards on it and use Shred when you can.  I personally would not use this card in a deck because it is a bit slow to use, and it has to be used in a dual type deck if you want to fully utilize the card.

Pokemon Card Rating:
I would give this card a 3 out of 5 rating.  In my opinion, this is an average basic Pokemon card from the Plasma Blast set.  This card is very average overall and even though it is average I wouldn't use it in a deck.  This card has a solid hp of 100 and two moves, but Big Swing is definitely risky, and Shred is average at best.  So unless you are desperate for one more card in your deck, I wouldn't use this card in a deck.

Tomorrow's Pokemon Card:
So thanks for reading today's Pokemon card review of Druddigon from the Plasma Blast set, stay tuned for tomorrow's card review of Kangaskhan, which is from this same set. Make sure to check below for the Free Pokemon TCG Online Codes!

Free Pokemon TCG Online Code Cards:
Today's Quiz for a Pokemon TCG Online Code Card --
What was the last English set to have a Druddigon card in it (before Plasma Blast), and what types of energy cards did this card need to attack?
Please respond by including the correct answer and a link to your YouTube channel.


  1. Plasma storm, fire, water and colorlees

    angel zero


  2. The last English set to have a Druddigon before Plasma Blast was the Plasma Storm set. That Druddigon required Fire and Water type energies (and also colorless ones).

    (There was also a Druddigon Promo card released with the Plasma Freeze Set, which was after the release of Plasma Storm, but since it wasn't part of a 'set' as such, the last set to include Druddigon was Plasma Storm.)

    Username: Tushar Shrotriya

    Channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4xQX7TmWfrJJeeoN9wCQlw
    (same as http://www.youtube.com/user/tushartakku)

  3. Plasma Storm

    Fire,Water and Colorless


  4. Plasma Storm

    Fire,Water and Colorless
    anuraag shankar

  5. the last English set to have a Druddigon card in it (before Plasma Blast) is Plasma Storm, and the types of energy cards did this card need to attack is Fire, Water and Colorless, which is the same as the last one.

    Username: blingblingjingjing

    Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/blingblingjingjing

  6. the last set to include druddigon before palsma blast was plasma freeze and it required water, fire and colourless energy to attack
    youtube: youtube.com/user/utsibabu

  7. fire, water and colorless

    Username: Jhian Sy

    Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4m3vZ3xHeKrqhT4mugILlg

  8. the last set to include druddigon before palsma blast was bw black star promos and it required water, fire and colourless energy to attack


  9. Plasma Storm

    it needed fire, water and colorless energy to attack.


  10. It was in Plasma Storm and needs fire, water, and colerless energies.

    Username: Tobble stone


  11. the last set was plasma storm, he uses fire,water and colourless energy for attack

  12. Plasma storm requiring fire water amd colorless energy

  13. i think it was in Plasma Storm,
    Fire,Water and Colorless

  14. The last English expansion of Druddigon (before plasma blast) was in plasma storm and it need (2)fire, (1)water and (1)colorless energy to attack.


  15. Plasma storm,
    I t needs water, fire and colorlees energy cards.

  16. caguial

  17. Plasma storm, fire, water and colorlees



  18. Well, The last english set to have a Druddigon card in it before plasma blast it's the plasma storm english set(94/135) And to attacks this card needs colorless energy, fire energy and a water energy.

    2 colorless for the first attack
    2 fire 1 water 1 colorless for the second attack


  19. Plasma Storm

    Fire,Water & Colourless

  20. http://www.youtube.com/user/TheMiners300

  21. Plasma Storm

    Fire, Water, Colorless


  22. Plasma Storm set.

    Energy cards: Fire, Water, and Colorless.


  23. Plasma Storm and it needed fire,water and colorless energy cards to attack.

