Pokemon Links

Monday, November 4, 2013

Volcarona -- Plasma Blast Pokemon Card Review

Volcarona Plasma Blast Pokemon Card
Pokemon Card Overview:
Today's Pokemon Card Review is of Volcarona from the Plasma Blast Pokemon Card Set.  Volcarona is a stage 1, fire type Pokemon card, with an hp of 100.  It has a x2 weakness to water type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a one colorless energy card retreat cost.  Volcarona does not have an Ability but it does have two moves.  The first move that this card has is called Solar Transporter, this move requires one colorless energy card and lets you reveal the top 5 cards of your deck and put all Team Plasma cards you have there into your hand, however you have to discard the rest of those cards.  Volcarona's second move is called Leech Life, this move requires three energy cards, two fire and one colorless, and does 50 damage, plus however much damage Volcarona does to the defending Pokemon, you can heal that amount of damage from Volcarona.

Pokemon Card Strategy:
So as far as strategy goes, since Volcarona is a stage 1 Pokemon card, you'll first have to get Larvesta into play (I reviewed Larvesta from this set yesterday) and then evolve Larvesta into Volcarona.  If you read yesterday's review, you'll know that I thought Larvesta was an average basic Pokemon card that could be used on its own but I would not do so personally.  The card had decent moves but its retreat cost was a ridiculous three colorless energy cards.  Because the retreat cost was so hard on that card, I didn't recommend using it, but I would recommend using one of those cards with this Volcarona card.  The strategy I would have with this line is to have one of each Pokemon and include these two cards in a Team Plasma heavy deck.  I would then try and get Volcarona into the active Pokemon spot as soon as possible and use Solar Transporter a few turns to get the cards you need into your hand quickly.  After using that move a few turns, I would then use Leech Life as many turns as I could while setting up my benched Pokemon, then when Volcarona is close to feinting I would retreat it for only one energy card.

Pokemon Card Rating:
I would give this card a 4 out of 5 rating.  In my opinion this is an above average stage 1 Pokemon card.  I think this card is above average because it has a low retreat cost, high hp and two good moves, especially if you're using this card in a Team Plasma type deck.  The downfall of this card in my opinion is that Leech Life doesn't do the standard 60 damage per turn for three energy cards and that you have to discard the cards that aren't Team Plasma cards when you use Solar Transporter.  But the positives outweigh the negatives on this card so I would definitely recommend using this card in a deck.  Overall I would give the line of Larvesta and Volcarona from this set a 3 out of 5 rating, Larvesta was a 3 and Volcarona a 4.

Tomorrow's Pokemon Card:
So thanks for reading today's Pokemon card review of Volcarona from the Plasma Blast set, stay tuned for tomorrow's card review of Squirtle, which is from this same set.  Make sure to check below for the Free Pokemon TCG Online Codes!

Free Pokemon TCG Online Code Cards:
Today's Quiz for a Pokemon TCG Online Code Card --
What was the last English set that Volcarona was in, and what rating did I give this card?
Please respond by including your YouTube username and link to your YouTube channel.  If the question is quite tough, the first correct comment will win, otherwise I'll use a random number generator to choose a winner.


  1. The Volcarona you last reviewed whas one from Dark Explorers.
    The rating you give it is a 4 out of 5.

    Username: blingblingjingjing

    Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/blingblingjingjing

  2. From Dark Explorers. You gave 4 out of 5.


  3. it was from dark explorers and u gave it a 4 outa 5 ratting
    username : dummoodygamingstep

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. From Dark Explorers. You gave 4 out of 5.
    Aji jacob

  6. dark explorers and you gave it a 4 out of 5

  7. From Dark Explorers. You gave 4 out of 5.



  8. Dark Explorers set.
    Rating: 4/5.


  9. the Dark explorers expansion

    you rated it 4 out of 5

    oswin the poketuber


  10. From Dark Explorers. You gave it a 4 out of 5.

    Justin McClarran


  11. The last Volcarona in an English set was in Dark Explorers.
    Rating: 4/5


  12. The Last Volcarona was in the English set Dark Explorers and you gave the Rating a 4 out of 5.



  13. The last English Set that Volcarona was in: Dark Explorers.

    You rated it with: 4/5.

    User: Link4ZeldaFan
    YT-Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Link4ZeldaFan


  14. The Volcarona you last reviewed whas one from Dark Explorers.
    The rating you give it is a 4 out of 5.


    Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/raytonlin1

  15. Dark Explorers and the rating was 4/5



  16. The answer is Dark explorers and the rating is 4/5



  17. Dark Explorerse. Rating was 4/5



  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. From the Dark Explorers set and you gave it 4 out of 5.

    Hristo Mihailov


  20. Last English Set that Volcarona was in --> Dark Explorers.

    Your rate --> 4/5.

    User: Geng0r1337
    Youtube-Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Geng0r1337
