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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Magmar -- Evolutions Pokemon Card Review

Magmar Evolutions Pokemon Card
Pokemon Card Overview:
Today's Pokemon Card Review is of Magmar from the XY Evolutions Pokemon Card Set.  Magmar is a basic, fire type Pokemon card with a HP of 80.  It has a x2 weakness to water type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a two colorless energy card retreat cost.  Magmar does not have an Ability, but it does have two moves.  The first move that this card has is called Fire Punch, for two fire energy cards this move does 30 damage.  Magmar's second move is called Flamethrower, and for three energy cards, two fire and one colorless, this move does 60 damage, however after using this move a fire energy card must be discarded from Magmar.

Pokemon Card Strategy:
So as far as strategy goes, since Magmar is a basic Pokemon card with a Stage 1 evolution in Magmortar, you'll more than likely want to use this card with its evolution form, but because Evolutions is a Base Set reprint set, it does not include a Magmortar card, the most recent to include Magmortar is Furious Fists.  So, on its own, only looking at this Magmar card, this card is similar to the Ponyta I reviewed from yesterday, that it is slow on the attack, but since this is a Basic Pokemon that didn't evolve at the time, this card has a well above average HP, giving you a little more leeway to set up this card when in the active Pokemon spot.  This card is too slow for my liking and I wouldn't use one in a deck, but if you do decide to use Magmar in your deck, attach a Burning Energy card to it and you can use Flamethrower every single turn.

Pokemon Card Rating:
I would give this card a 3 out of 5 rating.  So in my opinion, on its own, without considering any Magmortar cards, this is an average to slightly below average Basic Pokemon card.  Compared to Basic Pokemon that evolve, at least from the 1st generation, this card has a solid HP, and two solid moves, but compared to today's Pokemon, this card has too low of an HP to really consider using on its own, especially with its slower moves.  This card is suitable for use with a Burning Energy card, setting up on the bench, and eventually giving way to Magmortar.

Tomorrow's Pokemon Card:
So thanks for reading today's Pokemon card review of Magmar from the XY Evolutions set, stay tuned for tomorrow's card review of Poliwag, which is from this same set.  Make sure to check below for the Free Pokemon TCG Online Codes!

Free Pokemon TCG Online Code Cards:
Today's Quiz for a Pokemon TCG Online Code Card --
Magmar is no longer a Basic Pokemon that doesn't evolve, in what generation of Pokemon was Magmortar introduced?
Please respond with the correct answer and a link to your YouTube channel. 24 hours from now I will be randomly selecting a correct response to my question and sending a private message to this person with a free code on YouTube.


  1. Magmortar was introduced in Gen 4.

    Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNA7NWyrtNN54IWymwJoMxQ

  2. Gen 4.


  3. In Generation 4


  4. Gen 4

    kris_is_ me_

