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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Jolteon -- Ancient Origins Pokemon Card Review

Jolteon Ancient Origins Pokemon Card
Pokemon Card Overview:
Today's Pokemon Card Review is of Jolteon from the Ancient Origins Pokemon Card Set.  Jolteon is a stage 1, lightning type Pokemon card, with an hp of 90.  It has a x2 weakness to fighting type Pokemon, a -20 resistance to metal type Pokemon, and a free retreat cost.  Jolteon's Ability is called Electric Effect and says that each of your Stage 1 Pokemon in play is now a lightning type Pokemon in addition to their existing type.  Besides the Ability, Jolteon has one move called Thunder Blast that requires three energy cards to use, two colorless and one lightning, and does 80 damage, however you must discard an energy card attached to this card after using the move.

Pokemon Card Strategy:
So as far as strategy goes, since Jolteon is a stage 1 Pokemon card, you'll first have to get Eevee into play and then evolve Eevee into Jolteon.  I actually have not reviewed Eevee from this set yet because it is a colorless type card, so in this section I will just assume Eevee is an average card and that you are basically going to have to use that card in order to use Jolteon.  So looking at this Jolteon card, the main thing you'll use this card for is its Ability.  And in the metagame, if there are a lot of Pokemon weak to lightning type Pokemon, this card is a must have in your deck, regardless of the type, you can just keep this card on the bench and utilize its Ability, making all of your Stage 1 Pokemon in play lightning type, and therefore doing x2 damage to all of your opponent's Pokemon that are weak to lightning type Pokemon.  The other two Eevee evolution cards in this set have similar abilities and it would make sense to have one of each in a deck to really do massive damage to your opponents.  Besides the Ability, Jolteon only has one move that it can use, this move does do above average damage for the amount of energy cards it requires, plus a majority of the energy it needs are colorless type cards, however, since this move discards an energy each turn, I wouldn't recommend using this Jolteon card for its move.  But worse case scenario, you take a turn with this card in the active Pokemon spot, do Thunder Blast, discard your energy card and retreat it for free the next turn.

Pokemon Card Rating:
I would give this card a 4 out of 5 rating.  In my opinion this is an above average Stage 1 Pokemon card from the Ancient Origins set.  The main reason I would recommend using this card in a deck is for its Ability and allowing you to keep this card on your bench the entire game and help out your other Pokemon greatly.  This card is a little poorer than the other two Eevee evolution cards in this set just because its move isn't that great.  But overall, definitely include this card in your deck.

Tomorrow's Pokemon Card:
So thanks for reading today's Pokemon card review of Jolteon from the Ancient Origins set, stay tuned for tomorrow's card review of Ampharos EX, which is from this same set.  Make sure to check below for the Free Pokemon TCG Online Codes!

Free Pokemon TCG Online Code Cards:
Today's Quiz for a Pokemon TCG Online Code Card --
True or False?  Jolteon is my favorite Eevee evolution.
Please respond by including your YouTube username and link to your YouTube channel.  If the question is quite tough, the first correct comment will win, otherwise I'll use a random number generator to choose a winner.


  1. True. Based on your youtube video titled 'PrimetimePokemon's Top 10 Favorite Jungle Pokemon Cards' uploaded at 10th November, 2012 at the 4:08 to 4:12 minutes mark, you mentioned Jolteon is your favorite Eevee evolution.



  2. True. According to your video PrimetimePokemon's Top 10 Favorite pokemon Jolteon is your favorite eeveelution.

  3. True.Jolteon is one of your favorite Eevee Evolution based on your TOP 10 favorite Jungle Pokemon Cards.

    Hoopa EX


  4. True. Jolteon is your favourite Eeveelution (and incidentally mine as well!)

    Kai Tung Ng


  5. True, Jolteon is one of your favorites along with Umbreon
    Daniel Chen

  6. True, Jolteon is one of your favorite Eeevee evolutions, the other being Umbreon.

    Cardboard Bender

  7. True. Jolteon is one of your favourite pokemon based off your top 10 lists you have already made.

    User: LordGoodra


  8. For sure it was 4 years ago as you mention in your Top10 favourite Pokémon vid. I have some doubt because Umbreon is another Eevee evolution you love a lot but I think at the end, the "first loves" lasts so True.



  9. true - u mention it in a video u did on the jungle cards in 2012

  10. true you mentioned it on the jungle cards video uploaded in 2012. however you may have changed your mind due to recent evee evolutions being released. On the other hand the way you talked about it sounds like you still like Jolteon. Therefore true.


  11. Answer: True

    Youtube ID: Kenny Crossheart

    Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFFgK9JQ5MDpVQ9oizfVM6w

    still waiting....
