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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Swellow 72/108 -- Roaring Skies Pokemon Card Review

Swellow Roaring Skies Pokemon Card
Pokemon Card Overview:
Today's Pokemon Card Review is of Swellow from the Roaring Skies Pokemon Card Set.  This is the second Swellow card I've reviewed from this set.  Swellow is a stage 1, colorless type Pokemon card, with an hp of 90.  It has a x2 weakness to lightning type Pokemon, a -20 resistance to fighting type Pokemon, and a one colorless energy card retreat cost.  This Swellow card has an Ancient Trait called Plus that says if Taillow knocks out a Pokemon, you get to take an additional prize card.  Besides the Ancient Trait, this card has two moves.  The first move that this card has is called Peck, for two colorless energy cards this move does 30 damage.  Swellow's second move is called Wing Attack and for three colorless energy cards the move does 50 damage.

Pokemon Card Strategy:
So as far as strategy goes, since Swellow is a stage 1 Pokemon card, you'll first have to get Taillow into play (I reviewed Taillow from this set two days ago) and then evolve Taillow into Swellow, there are actually two Swellow cards from this set and I'll be comparing the two at the end of this paragraph.  If you read my review of Taillow, you'll know that I thought that card was a below average Basic Pokemon card, it had a low HP, and the only move it had was a coin flip based move, meaning it could do above average damage every single turn or do no damage at all, so I recommended looking elsewhere for a Basic Pokemon card to use in your deck.  So knowing this about Taillow and looking at this specific Swellow card, I really like Swellow's Ancient Trait and if you can knock out an EX card with this card you can take three prize cards at once, that is half way to winning the game.  Comparing this card to yesterday's Swellow card, yesterday's card can do way more damage, 90 compared to 50, but you just have to take into account if you think you can utilize this card's Ancient Trait or not.  I personally would try and build a whole deck that included Pokemon that had the Plus Ancient trait, but if you're a beginner, I would recommend yesterday's Swellow card more.

Pokemon Card Rating:
I would give this card a 3 out of 5 rating.  In my opinion this is an average Stage 1 Pokemon card from the Roaring Skies set.  This card has an average HP and low retreat cost, but compared to yesterday's Swellow card does less damage, but the Ancient Trait on this card makes up for it, so both cards are equal in my opinion, meaning that combined with Taillow from this set I am still giving both cards a 2 out of 5 rating.

Tomorrow's Pokemon Card:
So thanks for reading today's Pokemon card review of Swellow from the Roaring Skies set, stay tuned for tomorrow's card review of Swablu, which is from this same set.  Make sure to check below for the Free Pokemon TCG Online Codes!

Free Pokemon TCG Online Code Cards:
Today's Quiz for a Pokemon TCG Online Code Card --
How many Ancient Trait colorless Pokemon cards are in the Roaring Skies set?
Please respond by including your YouTube username and link to your YouTube channel.  If the question is quite tough, the first correct comment will win, otherwise I'll use a random number generator to choose a winner.


  1. There are 5 AT cards out of 21 colourless in 4 different pokémon.



  2. There are 5 Ancient Trait colorless Pokemon cards in the Roaring Skies set which are Swellow (72/108, Rare Holo), Altaria (73/108, Rare), Mega Rayquaza EX (76/108, Rare Holo ex), Unfezant (81/108, Rare) and Mega Rayquaza EX Full Art (105/108, Rare Ultra).



  3. There are 5 Ancient Traits colorless pokemon cards.


  4. There are 5 different ancient trait colorless cards in Roaring Skies.

  5. There are 5 Ancient Trait colorless Pokemon cards in the Roaring Skies set which are Swellow (72/108, Rare Holo), Altaria (73/108, Rare), Mega Rayquaza EX (76/108, Rare Holo ex), Unfezant (81/108, Rare) and Mega Rayquaza EX Full Art (105/108, Rare Ultra).



  6. There are 5 ancient trait colorless cards in roaring skies

    Hill jlk


  7. 5 Ancient Trait cards!



  8. There Are 5 Ancient Trait colorless type Pokemon in the Roaring Skies set.

    The Pokemon Cards Collector


  9. There are about 5 Ancient Trait colorless Pokemon cards in the Roaring Skies set.

    Primal Kyogre


  10. There are 5 ancient trait colorless cards in roaring skies

    Justin T.


  11. Answer: 5

    Youtube ID: Kenny Crossheart

    Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFFgK9JQ5MDpVQ9oizfVM6w

  12. There are five Ancient Trait Colourless-Type Pokemon cards in the Roaring Skies expansion, which are Swellow (72/108, Rare Holo); Altaria (73/108, Rare); Mega Rayquaza EX (76/108, Rare Holo EX); Unfezant (81/108, Rare); and Mega Rayquaza EX Full Art (105/108, Rare Ultra).

    Kai Tung Ng


  13. Answer: five

    name: fexod

    channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNhQ3FnwtJcaWLokguoCzSw

  14. There are 5


    My YT:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCjolQM5P1y-jacNsexfMsA

  15. There are just five ancient trait colorless pokemon.

    Name: Rockdhor

    My youtube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzxEEXRUVFUW78AB9Wqd9qQ

  16. 5

    Lynne v


  17. 5
    Youtube: Enel Hawk

  18. Five

    Martin T


  19. There are 5 Ancient Trait colorless Pokémon cards in that set.

    Ward Vercouter


  20. There are 5


  21. Congrats to Primal Kyogre for winning!
