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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Fearow -- Roaring Skies Pokemon Card Review

Fearow Roaring Skies Pokemon Card
Pokemon Card Overview:
Today's Pokemon Card Review is of Fearow from the Roaring Skies Pokemon Card Set.  Fearow is a stage 1, colorless type Pokemon card, with an hp of 100.  It has a x2 weakness to lightning type Pokemon, a -20 resistance to fighting type Pokemon, and a one colorless energy card retreat cost.  Fearow does not have an Ability but it does have two moves.  The first move that this card has is called Peck, for one colorless energy card this move does 30 damage.  Fearow's second move is called Drill Run, this move requires four colorless energy cards to use and does 70 damage, plus you get to discard an energy card attached to your opponent's active Pokemon if you get a heads when you flip a coin.

Pokemon Card Strategy:
So as far as strategy goes, since Fearow is a stage 1 Pokemon card, you'll first have to get Spearow into play (I reviewed Spearow from this set yesterday) and then evolve Spearow into Fearow.  If you read yesterday's review of Spearow, you'll know that I thought that card was an average Basic Pokemon card and could be used on its own, it has a solid HP, low retreat cost, and one move that was a little on the slow side but did do above average damage.  So knowing this about Spearow and looking at this Fearow card, you could definitely use a 1-1 line of Spearow and Fearow in a deck, you could start the game with Spearow in the active Pokemon spot and evolve it after the first turn and use Peck or just keep Spearow in the active Pokemon spot in awhile and do 30 damage a turn with it.  The advantage of using Fearow over Spearow is that Fearow can do the same amount of damage for one energy card less and it has 40 more HP.  Drill Run is a good move, however, it does require quite a bit of energy and for a card that has 100 damage, that may be too many energy cards to use on it, but you can also choose to set this card up on the bench that way when you move it to the active Pokemon spot you can do 70 damage right away.

Pokemon Card Rating:
I would give this card a 3 out of 5 rating.  In my opinion this is an average Stage 1 Pokemon card from the Roaring Skies set.  This card has an above average HP, and two average to slightly above average moves.  There really isn't anything that I dislike about this card, it just doesn't stand out that much to me.  Together with Spearow from this set, I would give these two cards a 4 out of 5 rating, together they are definitely above average, especially since they can fit into any type deck.

Tomorrow's Pokemon Card:
So thanks for reading today's Pokemon card review of Fearow from the Roaring Skies set, stay tuned for tomorrow's card review of Meowth, which is from this same set.  Make sure to check below for the Free Pokemon TCG Online Codes!

Free Pokemon TCG Online Code Cards:
Today's Quiz for a Pokemon TCG Online Code Card --
What is the highest rarity of any Fearow card in the English TCG?
Please respond by including your YouTube username and link to your YouTube channel.  If the question is quite tough, the first correct comment will win, otherwise I'll use a random number generator to choose a winner.


  1. The highest rarity Fearow has ever been in the TCG is rare holo, which was in Expedtion base set and Gym heroes.

  2. Highest rarity for Fearow in TCG was rare holo.



  3. Answer: Fearow's highest Rarity was ✩H (Rare Holo)

    Name: fexod

    Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNhQ3FnwtJcaWLokguoCzSw

  4. Fearow was a Holo Rare in the Expedition Base Set.



  5. The highest rarity Fearow has ever been in the TCG is rare holo, which was in Expedtion base set and Gym heroes.

    Primal Kyogre


  6. The highest rarity of the Fearow(s) card(s) is rare holo.

    The Pokemon Cards Collector


  7. The highest rarity of any Fearow card in the English TCG is a Rare Holo from Gym Heroes and Expedition Base Set.



  8. The highest rarity is a rare holo

    Lynne v


  9. I think its rare holo

    Absol ForLife/ (moon drop if not updated yet)


  10. The highest rarity of Fearow in the English TCG is Rare Holo.

    Ward Vercouter


  11. Rare Holo

    kris_is_ me_


  12. Holo Rare


  13. The highest rarity Fearow has ever been in the TCG is rare holo

    vijay kumar


  14. The highest rarity in the English TCG is Rare Holo


  15. The highest rarity of fearow is a rare holo



  16. The holo rare Fearow in the expedition set. My youtube name is undead_guppymc

  17. It was a rare holo

    Hill jlk


  18. Rare Holo


    My YT:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCjolQM5P1y-jacNsexfMsA

  19. The highest rarity for a Fearow is rare holo.


  20. Answer: Rare Holo

    Youtube ID: Kenny Crossheart

    Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFFgK9JQ5MDpVQ9oizfVM6w

  21. Rare holo.
    Youtube nickname: masadora04
    Link Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChHwFlOoX73B5kKsF-GUCvg

  22. Rare holo.
    Youtube: Emiliano Elias
    Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFiSnYij1TKoKbI39ylew5w
