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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Lampent -- Phantom Forces Pokemon Card Review

Lampent Phantom Forces Pokemon Card
Pokemon Card Overview:
Today's Pokemon Card Review is of Lampent from the Phantom Forces Pokemon Card set.  Lampent is a stage 1, psychic type Pokemon card, with an hp of 70.  It has a x2 weakness to darkness type Pokemon, a -20 resistance to fighting type Pokemon, and a two colorless energy card retreat cost.  Lampent does not have an Ability but it does have two moves.  The first move that this card has is called Cursed Drop, this move requires one psychic energy card and allows you to put 3 damage counters on your opponent's Pokemon any way that you would like.  Lampent's second move is called Night March, this move requires three energy cards, two colorless and one psychic, and does 20 damage times the number of Pokemon in your discard pile that have the Night March attack.

Pokemon Card Strategy:
So as far as strategy goes, since Lampent is a stage 1 Pokemon card, you'll first have to get Litwick into play (I reviewed Litwick from this set yesterday) and then evolve Litwick into Lampent.  Lampent does have a stage 2 evolution in Chandelure that you'll probably want to use with this Pokemon line but since I haven't reviewed that card yet, the strategy below will act like Lampent is the final evolution in this line.  So if you read yesterday's review of Litwick, you'll know that I thought that card was a below average Basic Pokemon card, even though it could do up to 20 damage per turn, it was just too limited for my liking since it had a lower HP, and only one move that hinged off of a coin flip.  So knowing this about Litwick and looking at this Lampent card, the only way I would want to use this Pokemon in a deck would be if I'm building a spread damage type deck, then I would include a 1-1 line of Litwick and Lampent, get one energy card on Lampent once I evolve Litwick and spread damage around with Cursed Drop, the downfall however to doing this is you're going to have to add another energy card to Lampent to retreat it.  I would not consider putting three energy cards on Lampent without using Chadelure for two reasons, the first being Lampent has way too low of an HP to put three energy cards on and the second being to do any damage with Night March, some of your own Pokemon are going to have to be knocked out to even do 20 damage and I don't want this card in the active Pokemon spot late in games, I just don't trust it that much.

Pokemon Card Rating:
I would give this card a 2 out of 5 rating.  In my opinion this is a below average Stage 1 Pokemon card from the Phantom Forces set.  I would only recommend using this card and Pokemon line in a spread damage type deck, other than that, it is a very poor card with two weaker moves, and a very low HP.  Individually I gave both Litwick and Lampent 2 out of 5 ratings, and that is what I feel both cards should received combined, stay away from this line if you can.

Tomorrow's Pokemon Card:
So thanks for reading today's Pokemon card review of Lampent from the Phantom Forces set, stay tuned for tomorrow's card review of Lampent's stage 2 evolution in Chandelure which is from this same set.  Make sure to check below for the Free Pokemon TCG Online Codes!

Free Pokemon TCG Online Code Cards:
Today's Quiz for a Pokemon TCG Online Code Card --
True or False?  This is the first English X and Y series set to include a Lampent card.
Please respond by including your YouTube username and link to your YouTube channel.  If the question is quite tough, the first correct comment will win, otherwise I'll use a random number generator to choose a winner.


  1. False
    riyad I

  2. False

  3. False

  4. True. Phantom Forces was the first English X and Y series set to include a Lampent card.



  5. Hey.

    That's false. The first XY set to feature Lampent was Noble Victories.

    username Sérgio Martins

    link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9LgTJDyU2fitpMzhdrP7aA

  6. True



  7. False
    Lucas Hensley

  8. That's false. The first X and Y set was noble victories.

    Youtube: ljrockinglife

    Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2aexnqFDYWxo3A3cX6RXIw

  9. False; This is NOT the first English X and Y set to include a Lampent card.

    YouTube user:

  10. False

    Louie Thomas


  11. True

    TCG Flame


  12. True, Phantom Forces is the first set in the X and Y series to have a Lampent card.

    YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/sanjnasai2010

  13. False. The first set Lampent was in the X&Y Noble Victories set. It was psychic, had 80 hp, and two attacks.


    I don't have a youtube acount.

  14. false

    Advin Hamzic


  15. True

    Aura Guardian


  16. False

    Rolands Anspoks


  17. False.

    Tyler Kelly

    No channel yet

    1. Hey PTP. What kind of camera do you use for your videos. The clarity is awesome.

  18. Congrats to sai for winning, Noble Victories is a Black and White series set. Tyler, I use a Canon Powershot SX20 IS.

  19. What? Lampent is an amazing card. It plays a major role in one of the best decks introduced in this set, night march. This is my first time going through your blog, but i can already tell you're not that good.

  20. True

  21. False!


