Saturday, February 9, 2013

Vibrava -- Boundaries Crossed Pokemon Card Review

Vibrava Boundaries Crossed Pokemon Card
Pokemon Card Overview:
Today's Pokemon Card Review is of Vibrava from the Boundaries Crossed Pokemon Card Set.  Vibrava is a stage 1, dragon type Pokemon card, with an hp of 80.  It has a x2 weakness to dragon type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a one colorless energy card retreat cost.  Vibrava does not have an Ability but it does have two moves.  Its first move is called Quick Turn, this move requires one grass energy card and does 20 damage times the number of heads you get when you flip two coins.  Vibrava's second move is called Sand Pulse, this move requires three energy cards, two colorless and one fighting, and does 50 damage plus 10 damage to each of your opponent's benched Pokemon.

Pokemon Card Strategy:
So as far as strategy goes, you'll more than likely use this card with its stage 2 evolution in Flygon, but since I haven't reviewed that card yet, this strategy will evolve around only using Trapinch and Vibrava in a deck, not Flygon.  One thing to note about this Pokemon line is that Trapinch is purely a fighting type Pokemon card, but both Flygon and Vibrava are Dragon Type Pokemon which require both fighting and grass type energy cards.  So with that being said, you'll want to use this card in a fighting and grass type deck.  I would try and keep Trapinch on the bench and then evolve it into Vibrava.  I would then attach three energy cards to Vibrava, wait until my opponent has a full bench then move Vibrava into the active Pokemon spot and use Sand Pulse every turn.  If you have to put Vibrava into the active Pokemon spot before it has three energy cards on it you'll have to use Quick Turn instead of Sand Pulse.  Besides putting this card in a fighting and grass type deck, you'll want to use this card in a spread damage type deck, doing this will allow for Vibrava's Sand Pulse move to be even more effective than it is already.  I would consider putting a 1-1 or 2-2 line of Trapinch and Vibrava in a fighting and grass or just fighting type deck if you're using this card for Sand Pulse.

Pokemon Card Rating:
I would give this card a 3 out of 5 rating.  In my opinion, this is an average stage 1 Pokemon card.  Even though this card does have a below average hp and has one weak move in Quick Turn, I am still giving this card an average rating.  I really like Vibrava's Sand Pulse move and the fact that it has a low retreat cost.  So I would definitely recommend using this card as well as Trapinch in a deck.

Tomorrow's Pokemon Card:
So thanks for reading today's Pokemon card review of Vibrava from the Boundaries Crossed set, stay tuned for tomorrow's card review of Vibrava's stage 2 evolution in Flygon which is also from this same set.  Make sure to check below for the Free Pokemon TCG Online Codes!

Free Pokemon TCG Online Code Cards:
Today's Quiz for a Pokemon TCG Online Code Card --
What rarities were the first English Vibrava cards and what set were these cards in?
Please respond by including a comment with a link to your YouTube channel, and of course the right answer.  If the question is easy I will use a random number generator to select a winner, otherwise the first correct commenter will win.


Joshua Kjx said...

The first English Vibrava cards rarities are rare and uncommon.
It is in the EX Dragon Expansion

Unknown said...

They were rare and uncommon.
It is in the EX Dragon Expansion.

Unknown said...

1) were rare and uncommon
2) in ex dragon expansion


Unknown said...

From the EX Dragon, out of the three first Vibrava cards, one was rare and two were uncommon.

Youtube: hfschippert

Sathvik Rayala said...

They were rare and uncommon.
It is in the EX Dragon Expansion.

Unknown said...

Rare and uncommon
Ex Dragon expansion


Daniel Fermo de Oliveira said...

Two Uncommons and a Rare, from EX Dragon

papiku said...

They were rare and uncommon.
It is in the EX Dragon Expansion.


Unknown said...

The first English Vibrava cards were Uncommon (2), and Rare (1), from the EX Dragon set!

Anonymous said...

They were rare and uncommon and
in the EX Dragon Expansion.

Capy said...

rare and uncommon
ex dragon expansion

tvOBT said...

They were rare and uncommon in the EX Dragon Expansion

tvOBT said...
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kadetoster said...

Answer 1) 1 rare and 2 uncommon
Answer 2) EX Dragon

Unknown said...

The cards first appeared in the ex dragon expansion. They are uncommon and rare.

Unknown said...

The first English Vibrava cards were Rare and Uncommon rarities and they were in the EX Dragon Set

Youtube username:RB68353
link to channel:

Ondra008 said...
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Ondra008 said...

The Vibrava card had its first appearence in EX Dragon set and there are 1 rare Vibrava and 2 uncommon Vibravas.

Unknown said...

The First English Vibrana cards were Rare and Uncommon, and these were from the EX Dragon set.

Youtube username: Fauzul Chowdhury
Channel Link:

*Still waiting for my first TCG code, as in my country, none are available :(, following your blog is my only hope.

Tony J. said...

Vibrava's first appearance were as two uncommons and one rare in the EX Dragon set.

qwart said...

The EX Dragon Set had 3 Vibrava. One was rare and the other two were uncommon.


SwampertHunter said...


PrimetimePokemon said...

Congrats to Heng for winning!