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Friday, December 14, 2012

Darumaka -- Boundaries Crossed Pokemon Card Review

Darumaka Boundaries Crossed Pokemon Card
Pokemon Card Overview:
Today's Pokemon Card Review is of Darumaka from the Boundaries Crossed Pokemon Card Set.  Darumaka is a basic, fire type Pokemon card, with an hp of 70.  It has a x2 weakness to water type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a two colorless energy card retreat cost.  Darumaka does not have an Ability and it only has one move.  Its only move is called Reckless Charge which requires two energy cards and does 30 damage.  However when using this move, if you get a tails when you flip a coin, Darumaka does 10 damage to itself.

Pokemon Card Strategy:
So as far as strategy goes, since Darumaka is a basic Pokemon card with a stage 1 evolution in Darmanitan, I would recommend keeping Darumaka on your bench and evolving it into Darmanitan (which I'll be reviewing tomorrow) before moving it into the active Pokemon spot.  I wouldn't recommend moving Darumaka into the active Pokemon spot before evolving it or using it as a starter Pokemon.  I would not recommend this because Darumaka only has the one move that requires two energy cards so it can't attack right away, and even though its only move can do 30 damage, you may end up doing damage to Darumaka and if you aren't playing the card immediately in the game, it is much easier to knock out a Pokemon that has 60 hp on it than one that has 70 hp left on it in one move.  So I would not recommend using this card on its own, you'll have to read tomorrow's review to see if I recommend using this card with Darmanitan.

Pokemon Card Rating:
I would give this card a 2 out of 5 rating.  In my opinion, this is a below average basic Pokemon card.  I think it is below average because it only has the one move, which is slow, and it has a fairly high retreat cost. Plus, when you do attack you may do damage to Darumaka.  There are plenty of basic Pokemon out there that can do 20 damage for two energy cards and some that can do 30 damage for two or less energy cards and not do damage to themselves, so I would recommend using those cards if you're looking to use a basic Pokemon card in your deck.

Tomorrow's Pokemon Card:
So thanks for reading today's Pokemon card review of Darumaka from the Boundaries Crossed set, stay tuned for tomorrow's card review of Darumaka's stage 1 evolution in Darmanitan, which is also from the Boundaries Crossed Pokemon card set.  Make sure to check below for the Free Pokemon TCG Online Codes!

Free Pokemon TCG Online Code Cards:
Today's Quiz for a Pokemon TCG Online Code Card --
How many Darumaka cards are there in the English sets and what sets are they in?
Please respond by including your YouTube username so I can send you the code on there.  From now on, it does not matter if you're the first one to comment or not, I will choose a random commenter who commented with the correct answer and award that person with a code.


  1. 6
    black ¬ white #23 and #24
    Emerging Powers #20
    BW Black Star Promos BW18
    Next Destinies #17
    Boundaries Crossed #27

  2. 6 cards
    Black and White (twice)
    Emerging Powers
    BW Black Star Promos
    Next Destinies
    Boundaries Crossed

  3. there are 6 cards

    BW Black Star Promos
    Next Destinies
    Boundaries Crossed
    Black and White 23
    Black and White 24
    Emerging Powers


  4. there are 6 cards

    BW Black Star Promos
    Next Destinies
    Boundaries Crossed
    Black and White 23
    Black and White 24
    Emerging Powers


  5. there are 6 cards in the english sets:

    - Black White (23/114)
    - Black White (24/114)
    - Emerging Powers (20/98)
    - Next Destinies (17/99)
    - Boundaries Crossed (27/149)
    - BW Promos (BW18)

    grtz ;) ,


  6. Six cards:

    1. Black & White #23
    2. Black & White #24
    3. Emerging Powers #20
    4. B&W Black Star Promos BW-18
    5. Next Destinies #17
    6. Boundaries Crossed #27

    Youtube username: hfschippert

  7. 6 card from
    1.Black & White
    2.Black & White
    3.Emerging Powers
    4.BW Black Star Promos
    5.Next Destinies
    6.Boundaries Crossed


  8. 6 cards
    Black and White (twice)
    Emerging Powers
    BW Black Star Promos
    Next Destinies
    Boundaries Crossed
    Youtube: Niran MIstry

  9. 6 cards

    Black and White #23
    Black and White #24
    Emerging Powers #20
    Next Destinies #17
    Boundaries Crossed #27
    BW Black Star Promos BW18


  10. Congrats to http://www.youtube.com/user/heroiclion for winning!
