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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Simisear -- Noble Victories Pokemon Card Review

Simisear Pokemon Card Noble Victories SetPokemon Card Overview:
Today's Pokemon Card Review is of Simisear from the Noble Victories set. This is a stage 1, fire type Pokemon card with an hp of 90. It has a x2 weakness to water type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a two colorless energy card retreat cost. Simisear doesn't have an Ability but it does have two moves, the first move is called Scratch and does 20 damage for one colorless energy card. Simisear's second move is called Double Fire and for three energy cards, two fire and one colorless, it does 80 damage times the number of heads you get when you flip two coins.

Pokemon Card Strategy:
So as far as strategy goes, I wouldn't put this card into the active Pokemon spot until you get three energy cards on Simisear. That way when Simisear has three energy cards on it you can use Double Fire every turn and just hope your luck is average or above average and you should easily be able to knock out most Pokemon in a turn or two. The only time I would use Scratch would be if the defending Pokemon would be knocked out by 20 damage or less. Since Simisear isn't too great in my opinion, I would only have a 2-1 line of Pansear and Simisear in my deck.

Pokemon Card Rating:
I would give this card a 2 out of 5 rating. Even though this card has the possibility of doing 160 damage every turn I still am going to give it a below average rating. No matter how good Double Fire is, with only 90 hp Simisear isn't going to last too long in the active Pokemon spot and if you don't have three energy cards on Simisear 20 damage every turn using Scratch isn't going to do much to an opposing stage 2 Pokemon. Even though attack wise this card isn't that great I do like the artwork on this card and the flames surrounding Simisear.

Tomorrow's Pokemon Card:
So thanks for reading today's Pokemon card review of Simisear from the Noble Victories set, stay tuned for tomorrow's card review of Heatmor from the same set.

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