Pokemon Links

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day: Gardevoir (Platinum)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Gardevoir from the Platinum set. This is a stage 2, psychic type Pokemon card with an hp of 120. It has a +30 weakness to psychic type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a one colorless energy card retreat cost. Its Poke-Power is called Psychic Connect and says that as often as you like during your turn you may move a psychic energy card from one of your benched Pokemon to your active Pokemon. Besides the Poke-Power, Gardevoir has two moves, the first move is called Energy Burst and for one psychic energy card, it does 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each energy card attached to all of your Pokemon. Gardevoir's second move is called Psychic Protection and does the standard 60 damage for three energy cards, in this case, two colorless and one psychic and the next turn Gardevoir doesn't have a weakness. As far as strategy goes, this is a great card to get late in the game or not attach any energy cards to until you want it to be your active Pokemon. I think this is a great Poke-Power because since this is a stage 2 Pokemon you may not be able to use it in the game, so if you get some of Gardevoir's pre-evolutions on your bench you don't necessarily have to attach any energy cards to it just make sure to have some other psychic type Pokemon on your bench with energy cards attached to them that could be moved to Gardevoir if the need be. Other than its Poke-Power, if you have a full bench with a lot of energy cards attached to those Pokemon, Gardevoir's moves are decent, Energy Burst could have the potential to do 60+ damage but neither of its moves can do much more than 60. So I would give this card a 3 out of 5 because it is an average card overall. I do like its Poke-Power and it would definitely be a good card to have on your bench at all times but it is a stage 2 Pokemon so you'll have to use some important spots in your deck for Gardevoir and its evolutions. So thanks for reading today's review of Gardevoir from the Platinum set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Giratina from the same set.


  1. dude i love your vids and plzz i want a deck i live in a country were they dont even sell pokemon cards.. t o buy them i have to get from shipping stuff

  2. @PerDhak you should enter my giveaway I will be having tomorrow

  3. what you will have the giveaway tomorrow yay this is my first time entering

  4. woah woah =thats my favorite ive always wished to get a black n white pokemon card wow i really hope oi get it
