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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day: Regice (Legends Awakened)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Regice from the Legends Awakened set. This is a basic, water type Pokemon card, with an hp of 90. It has a x2 weakness to metal type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a three colorless energy card retreat cost. Its Poke-Power is called Regi Move and says that once per turn you may discard two cards from your hand and then you may choose one of your opponent's un-evolved Pokemon and move them into the active Pokemon spot. Regice's only move is called Ice Reflect and does 50 damage for three energy cards, one colorless and two water. Also if Regice was damaged by an attack last turn this move also paralyzes the defending Pokemon, making them unable to attack the next turn. As far as strategy goes I would use this card solely for its Poke-Power, since it has the possibility to knock out Pokemon the same turn as you move this power. I would actually keep Regice on the bench throughout the entire game and just have a Pokemon that does at least 60 damage in one move as my active Pokemon, that way I could use Regi Move every time my opponent puts a weak Pokemon on their bench and then knock that Pokemon out that turn. If you do have to play Regice it isn't too great since its only move does require 3 energy cards and it only does do 50 damage and you're going to have to take at least one attack before you can stop your opponent from attacking the next turn. I would give this card a 3 out of 5 just because its Poke-Power is that good even though I would have liked it much better if you could have moved any of your opponent's benched Pokemon into their active Pokemon spot just not basic Pokemon. Besides the Power, Ice Reflect is okay but since this is a basic Pokemon it is too slow and if it does get in trouble you'll have to give up three energy cards to retreat it, it just isn't worth it for me, so like I said earlier I would keep this card on my bench at all times. So thanks for reading today's review of Regice from the Legends Awakened set. stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Regigigas the non-holo version from the same set.


  1. Awesome Man. Great reviews i use your reviews to make a perfect pokemon deck. Thank u again.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
