Pokemon Links

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day: Leafeon (Majestic Dawn)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Leafeon from the Majestic Dawn set, this is a stage 1, grass type Pokemon card with an hp of 90. It has a +20 weakness to fire type Pokemon, a -20 resistance to water type Pokemon, and a one colorless energy card retreat cost. It doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves, the first move is called Spiral Drain and for 2 energy cards, one each of grass and colorless, Leafeon does 40 damage plus you may remove one damage counter from Leafeon. Leafeon's second move is called Leaf Blade and requires 3 energy cards, two colorless and one grass and does 50 damage plus 20 more damage if you get a heads when you flip a coin. As far as strategy goes I once again would pair this with Espeon so I could use its Poke-Power making Leafeon have 20 more hp which would make this card have 110 hp for a stage 1 Pokemon card. I really like Spiral Drain since it does more damage for two energy cards than average and it also removes damage from Leafeon thus if you use Espeon in this deck and use Spiral Drain often, Leafeon should be able to last quite awhile. I would give this card a 4 out of 5 rating because both of its moves are quite good, like I was saying earlier 40 damage for two energy cards is great and with the ability to add hp using Espeon and remove damage with Spiral Drain, Leafeon will seem to have more hp than it states on its card. So thanks for reading today's review of Leafeon from the Majestic Dawn set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Minun from the same set.


  1. I love ur reviews keep up the great work!I also apreciate the way ur giving away theme decks!I hope i win one.

    I used to have this card, but I traded it.

  2. Great card, I prefer the original three "Eeveelutions" as well as Espeon and Umbreon over Leafeon and Glaceon.

  3. If this card had a poke-power or poke-body it would be alot better.
