Pokemon Links

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day: Leafeon Holo (Majestic Dawn)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Leafeon from the Majestic Dawn set, this is a stage 1, grass type Pokemon card with an hp of 90. It has a +20 weakness to fire type Pokemon, a -20 resistance to water type Pokemon, and a 2 colorless energy card retreat cost. Leafeon doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves, the first move is called Bind Down and for only one grass energy card it can do 30 damage plus the defending Pokemon can't retreat during their next turn. Leafeon's second move is called Leaf Guard and does the standard 60 damage for 3 energy cards, in Leafeon's case this move requires 1 grass and 2 colorless energy cards. Besides doing the 60 damage any damage done to Leafeon by your opponent during their next turn is reduced by 20. As far as strategy goes I would recommend using Leafeon in your game as soon as possible, since it doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body might as well move it into the active Pokemon spot right away. I like how you should be able to knock out Pokemon with 90 hp of less in two turns no matter what since you can use Bind Down the first move and make the defending Pokemon unable to retreat and then use Leaf Guard and do 60 damage plus if that Pokemon is knocked out the Pokemon that is coming in to replace that one may not be able to do any damage at all since any attacks done to Leafeon during the opponent's next turn is reduced by 20. So I would rate this card a 4 out of 5 because both of its moves work very well together and being able to reduce 20 damage every turn if you wanted to is especially useful with a Pokemon with only 90 hp. If this card had a Poke-Power or Poke-Body it could have gotten a five out of five. So thanks for reading today's review of Leafeon from the Majestic Dawn set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Manaphy from the same set.


  1. Yo this card looks pretty sick I always liked eevee evolutions, but they couldve came up with a better name than leafeon I think. And I'm quite confused about the way to get the deck because in your vid it says to comment on the vid with a response but in the description it says to comment on the card review with the response

  2. @Jerayjay just do whatever it says in the card review where I tell you how to win.

  3. Leafeon's a pretty good card. Not a power house but it can become one if you play it right. I'd start off by attaching grass energies as fast as I can. This would pair really well with Umbreon Prime and 2 UD Umbreons along with 2 of these and maybe 1 of the other one in this set, but only if you're running a grass dark and you like to play Eeveelutions you can have a pretty fierce deck. Just strap a call energy and expert belt onto Leafeon and it'll have 110 HP and be doing 50 DMG for Bind Down and a whopping 90 for Leaf Guard. That should be able to take down plenty of the powerhouse pokemon right now. Sadly it's a Majestic Dawn pokemon so I believe it's out of the meta game.

    Anyway, the Leafeon looks great I wish I had gotten back into Pokemon card battling when this was in play because I could see myself running plenty of different strategies with this card. I absolutely love the art on the card and the Kabutops from the same set. Very nice review Primetime Pokemon, keep it up.


  4. Ultra awesome review PtP
    sorry its a short comment but like they say, sort but sweet!

  5. I actually just recieved this card this morning, so amazing pick at making it the CotD c:

  6. i always love the evee evolutions. keep it up dude good review:)
