Pokemon Links

Monday, January 10, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day: Dialga (Majestic Dawn)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Dialga from the Majestic Dawn set, this is a basic, metal type Pokemon card, with an hp of 100. It has a +20 weakness to fire type Pokemon, a -20 resistance to Psychic type Pokemon, and a 3 colorless energy card retreat cost. Dialga doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have something called a Type-Enhancing Item which is called Adamant Orb and says that if an active Pokemon has a weakness to metal type Pokemon, Dialga's attacks does 20 damage more than the stated weakness of that Pokemon. Besides the Adamant Orb, Dialga has two moves, the first move is called Time Shift and for one metal energy card you can draw cards until you have six cards in your hand. Dialga's second move is called Diamond Blast and requires two each of metal and colorless energy cards and does 60 damage unless you get a heads when you flip a coin then this move does 80 instead of 60. So as far as strategy goes I would suggest keeping Dialga in your hand just in case your opponent plays a Pokemon that has a metal type weakness then I would move Dialga from your hand to your bench and then to the active Pokemon spot. Dialga's Time Shift move could be an important move later on in the game since it will allow you to get six cards in your hands but what I don't like about that move is that it requires a metal energy card, I would have preferred that move require a colorless energy card that way you could use it in any deck. I would rate this card a 3 out of 5 because it has a good hp for a basic Pokemon, a cool type-enhancing item, and decent moves, I wish Diamond Blast would do 80 damage for sure for four energy cards but at least you don't have to discard any energy cards or damage Dialga at all when you use the move. So thanks for reading today's review of Dialga from the Majestic Dawn set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Kabutops from the same set.


  1. I might have read it wrong, but why would you keep dialga in your hand?
    It takes a while to build up dialga as an attacker.
    Unless you meant strictly for the use of the Time Shift attack?

  2. @Nokia I just meant you might want to keep it in your hand so you can surprise your opponent by being able to do extra damage to metal type Pokemon, but I can see your point since Dialga does take 4 energy cards to attack you should put it on your bench and add energy cards to it so if your opponent does play a card weak to metal you can damage it right away. Thanks for the correction in my strategy.

  3. ...! That's my favorite Pokemon! I know you have one (your rare Pokemon card collection), but How do I trade with you? I'd love the Dialga G too (find my comment on your rare Pokemon card collection)!

    P.S.: Do you have a trade list? if you do, are there rules? if so, what are them?

  4. man i love this card and i love this pokemon it is my fav.

  5. The only point of the card to me is the first attack, 100 hp on the begining and a power draw to set up is not that bad actually I will not hate have him on my first hand but is a lame late gamer

  6. If this is 3/5, I'd like to see a 5/5 >_<

  7. I think this card's pretty sick cause its one of my favorite legendarys. and the moves that it has are pretty beast too!!

  8. i really enjoy reading your blogs primetimepokemon, i am XxAznChrizxX I HOPEFULLY WANT TO WIN THE CHAOS CONTROL THEME DECK!!! thanks, your videos rock!!!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. SoulSilverInferno I would have preferred that move require a colorless energy card that way you could use it in any deck.
