Pokemon Links

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Smeargle (Undaunted)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Smeargle from the Undaunted set, this is a basic Pokemon that is a normal type, and has an hp of 70. Smeargle has a x2 weakness to fighting type Pokemon, no resistance type and a retreat cost of 1 colorless energy card. Smeargle's Poke-Power is called Portrait which lets you once per turn take a look at your opponent's hand, but if you do you have to choose one of the supporter cards they have in their hand and use that effect. This power is very good to use once every few turns so that you know what to expect from your opponent and can set up to defeat your opponent's strategy. Also you could always hope that your opponent doesn't have a supporter card in their hand when you use Portrait. Smeargle's only move is called Tail Rap and this move does 20 times damage times the number of heads you get when you flip two coins, this move requires two colorless energy cards. As far as strategy goes I would recommend trying to get Smeargle on your bench as soon as possible so you can use Portrait and see your opponent's cards right away at the beginning of the game, I wouldn't necessarily use this card as an attacking Pokemon because you may not even be able to do any damage with Tail Rap. I would give this card a rating of 2 out of 5. To me this card is below average because it has a x2 weakness and only 70 hp, also its only move is really poor and doesn't guarantee you any damage, but I do like its Poke-Power but it isn't one you're going to have to use every turn. So thanks for reading today's review of Smeargle from Undaunted stay tuned for tomorrow's review of another Undaunted rare or holo card.


  1. You are so retarded. This card is THE best card to come out of the Undaunted set besides Energy Exchanger. This card is the best tech card that an SP deck can use in mirror match. Using the effects of your opponent's Cyrus to get a supporter of your own and using too, or using your opponent's supporters and taking a look of your opponent's hand is just asking to set up twice as fast as your opponent. Why would you say that you wouldn't want your opponent to have a supporter card in your opponent's hand when you use Portrait? Your article is just absolute garbage. This whole site is garbage. You have no idea what you're talking about.

  2. what is that guy saying now anyways next time
    gliscor( undaunted)?

  3. dude not to be mean but smeargle is going to be popular. YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOUR OPPONENTS HAND IS EVERY TURN. you will have the upper advantage and the fact you could possibly use 2 supporters in 1 turn thanks to its poke power. you will know if you have the ability to win or not if you know your opponents hand. DO YOUR RATINGS BETTER NUB.

  4. Tienes muy mala redacción.

    Pls fix that n00b :D
