Pokemon Links

Monday, June 7, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Rayquaza ex (EX Dragon)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Rayquaza ex from the EX Dragon set. I am doing this card because of the mention of it in both Kyogre ex and Groudon ex's Poke-Bodies. This card has the same hp as both Kyogre and Groudon ex with 100 hp. It has a x2 weakness to normal type Pokemon and a -30 hp resistance to both water and fighting type Pokemon which can be really beneficial. And it also has a lower retreat cost than those other two ex cards needing only 2 colorless energy cards instead of three. Rayquaza ex doesn't have a Poke-Body or Poke-Power but it does have two moves. The first move is called Spiral Growth and takes one colorless energy card. When using this move you flip a coin until you get tails and for each heads you may search your discard pile for an energy card and attach it to Rayquaza. This move goes right along with Rayquaza's second move which is called Dragon Burst which does 40x hp damage and requires a fire energy card and an electric energy card. When doing this move you can choose to discard either all your fire energy cards or your electric energy cards, for each card you discard it is 40x damage. So as far as strategy goes you can load up Rayquaza ex with energy cards then use Dragon Burst, discard most of your energy cards and then use Spiral Growth to attach them right back to Rayquaza ex. So you can basically do a very high amount of damage with this card every other turn. So thanks for reading my review and stay tuned for tomorrow's review of a card I have not determined yet.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What about Rampardos from Platinum.

  3. Hi PTP, can you do Flareon from majestic dawn?

  4. @PokemonWorldBranix and @dreamaster_js I can do both of those cards in the coming week or two
