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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Muk (Platinum)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Muk, which is an uncommon card, from the Platinum set. Muk is a stage 1 Pokemon with an hp of 100 which is pretty average for a stage 1 Pokemon card. It is Psychic type and has a +20 hp weakness to Psychic type Pokemon which is fairly low. Muk doesn't have a resistance type and it has a high retreat cost of 3 colorless energy cards. Muk's Poke-Body is called Sludge Cell and says that if Muk is affected by a Special Condition between turns remove 2 damage counters. This is a really good Poke-Body for Muk considering that in one of its moves it can poison itself which only adds 1 damage counter per turn, so you want to poison Muk and then you'll be able to remove 1 damage counter per turn. Muk has two moves, the first one is called Strange Poison, this move requires two energy cards, one Psychic and one colorless, it does 30 hp damage and when you use this move you are to flip a coin if it is heads, the defending Pokemon is poisoned, if it is tails Muk is poisoned. Muk's second move is called Strange Sludge, and this move takes 3 energy cards, two Psychic and one colorless. This move does 50 hp damage but if Muk is poisoned this move does 70 hp damage and the defending Pokemon is now confused. As far as strategy goes I would definitely want to have Muk be poisoned so I could use its Poke-Body, to do this I would use Strange Poison until Muk gets poisoned. Hopefully while I'm doing this I flip a heads first so the defending Pokemon becomes poisoned that way when I use Strange Sludge once Muk is poisoned, so I can do 70 damage instead of 50, the Pokemon not only will become confused but it will pretty much do a major amount of damage to itself because it will do 10 damage already to itself from the poison and hopefully attack itself when it is confused. So this card is very powerful and will wreak havoc on the defending Pokemon making them afflicted with multiple special conditions. I really like this card, especially for an uncommon card, so I would definitely consider it in a poison type deck or even a Psychic type deck. So thanks for reading my review and stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Jirachi from Unleashed.


  1. This should be a rare card. It's better than some rares I've seen.

  2. @Cheetahosu It should be but I like stronger cards that are uncommons cuz´ you have bigger chances to get it. However, for me it is quite tough to find this Muk, cuz´ I´ve opened a lot of Platinum packs and I didn´t get even one :/

  3. What about Dusknoir DP Promo 33 and Togekiss from Great Encounters?

  4. @PokemonWorldBranix I can do those cards too in a few weeks
