Pokemon Links

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Metagross (HGSS Unleashed)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Metagross from the Unleashed set. This is a stage 2 Pokemon card and it has 130 hp which is pretty good for a Psychic type Pokemon. It has a x2 weakness to Psychic Pokemon which is expected from a powerful Pokemon like Metagross. It doesn't have a resistance type and it has an extremely high retreat cost of 4 colorless energy cards, but this really doesn't matter if you use Metagross's Poke-Body. Its Poke-Body is called Psychic Float and it says that as long as you have a Psychic energy card attached to your active Pokemon the retreat cost for that Pokemon is zero, so with this Poke-Body you can pretty much move any card in and out of play whenever you want. What I would do with this card is to have another card that inflicts a special condition on the defending Pokemon, like poison or sleep, and then switch that out, free of charge, and attack with Metagross. Metagross also has two moves on this card, the first is entitled Pulse Blast and for only two energy cards it does 60 damage which is really good. Usually you have to have 3 energy cards on the Pokemon to do 60 damage. The second move of Metagross's is called Double Leg Hammer and for 3 Psychic energy cards it does 40 hp damage to 2 of your opponent's benched Pokemon. As far as strategy goes I would stick to using Pulse Blast every turn until my opponent has two or more Pokemon on their bench, with Double Leg Hammer, 3 turns with this will knock out most Pokemon, 2 turns will knock out most basic Pokemon. So thanks for reading my review and tomorrow I will be reviewing a Raichu card, sorry for not responding to your comments lately, I have started working full time again for the summer so I have been really busy, I do read them and I will start answering them soon.


  1. With misdreavus from an earlier set you can put a pokemon to sleep by returning an energy attached to misdreavus. The poke-power of misdreavus is that players have to flip two coins between turns to see if the pokemon is awake and if either are tails then the pokemon is still asleep. This would be good with this card as you could retreat Mis and send out metagross. personally I would attack the bench pokemon as they you can target basic pokemon and have the possibility of knocking out 2 pokemon in two turns

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This card is cool, but three phychic energies is a lot!

  4. @battle_teacher thanks for the great advice

    @Cheetahosu you'll just have to use this card with an all Psychic deck then

  5. why dosent Metagross have any description on its card?
