Pokemon Links

Monday, May 3, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Tyranitar ex (EX Dragon Frontiers)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Tyranitar ex from the EX Dragon set. First off you'll notice that Tyranitar is an electric type Pokemon, this is because Tyranitar is a Delta Species type Pokemon in this set, for more information on Delta Species Pokemon click here. This ex card has 150 hp which is very good considering you don't want this card to get knocked out since your opponent will be able to take two prize cards for it. It has a x2 weakness to grass type Pokemon which could hurt it but shouldn't be too bad. Tyranitar doesn't have any resistance and it has a costly 3 colorless energy retreat cost so if you have to retreat Tyranitar you'll have to take all the energy cards necessary for its moves off of it and put them in the discard pile. Tyranitar doesn't have any Poke-Body or Poke-Power but it does have 3 moves. The first is called Electromark and takes two energies, one electric, and one colorless and allows you to put a Shock-wave counter on any of your opponent's Pokemon. I wasn't sure what this Shock-Wave counter was so I had to look it up, I guess it is just a marker or any thing to let you know that there is a counter on that Pokemon and if there is a counter on that Pokemon you can knock it out with one of Tyranitar's moves. Tyranitar's second move is called Hyper Claws and does 70+ hp damage for 3 energy cards 1 electric and 2 colorless energy cards and if the defending Pokemon is a stage 2 evolved Pokemon it does 90 damage to it. So this move is pretty good for only 3 energy cards. Tyranitar's last move is the best and is called Shock-Wave and this move also takes 3 energy cards, but this time you need 2 electric type and 1 colorless energy cards. This move allows you to choose any of your opponent's Pokemon that has a Shock-wave marker on it which you were able to put on it by using Electromark earlier. So this move essentially could do unlimited damage to a defending Pokemon as long as they have a Shock-wave marker on it. So overall you can basically knock out any Pokemon no matter how high their hp in two turns by using Electromark and then Shock-wave the next turn. As for strategy goes I would use Hyper Claws mainly, unless your opponent has some strong Pokemon on their bench, because this way you can inflict damage every turn with Hyper Claws and in two turns Hyper Claws can do at least 140 damage which will knock out just about anything and if their Pokemon is over 140 hp then use Electromark and then Shock-wave. I would definitely shape my deck around this card, it is very powerful and can knock out anything. Once again, thanks for reading my review and stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Flygon ex from EX Legend Maker.


  1. U no that anything before d/p is illgal in turnaments right??

  2. @infernape1010 I know that, but a lot of people request me to do these cards so they can use them to battle their friends

  3. You said Shove-marker. It was funny. This card is amazing!

  4. @Cheetahosu thanks for pointing that out for me, I corrected it.
