Pokemon Links

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Steelix Prime (Unleashed)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Steelix Prime from the Heart Gold/Soul Silver Unleashed set. This card has the second highest hp of the Prime's in the set with 140 hp. A x2 weakness to fire type Pokemon will definitely make this 140 hp seem much lower but for all Pokemon except fire Pokemon, this card will be able to hold its own for quite some time especially with its Poke-Body which I will talk about later. A -20 hp resistance to Psychic type Pokemon is handy since they usually don't do too much hp damage anyways so their attacks on Steelix will be minimal, an extremely high retreat cost of 4 colorless energy cards will take almost all Steelix's energy cards required to do its best move but that is okay since you should have one energy card left on Steelix when you retreat it and then you can put it back in, attach one energy card to it and be able to do its move for only two energy cards. Steelix's Poke-Body called Perfect Metal can be really helpful in making Steelix last really long because this Body makes Steelix unaffected by special conditions, so if your opponent depends on using special conditions to defeat their opponents if you have a couple of Steelix in your deck their plans will be ruined. Steelix has two moves, the first one is called Energy Stream and for two colorless energy cards it allows you to do 30 damage and it says to also search your discard pile for an energy card and attach it to Steelix. This energy attaching is really helpful for Steelix's second move called Gaia Crush which takes 5 energy cards, 2 metal, 3 colorless, you just have to use Energy Stream twice and then you'll have enough energy cards to use Gaia Crush, that's if you are attaching energy cards from your hand to Steelix too. This move does 100 hp damage and the good thing about this move is that you don't have to discard any energy cards or anything like that when you use Gaia Crush, instead you may discard a stadium card in play if you want. As far as strategy goes I would just use Gaia Crush every move if I had the sufficient amount of energy on Steelix, I probably wouldn't move Steelix into my active Pokemon position until I had at least 3 energy cards on it so that by the next turn I could use Gaia Crush. So once again, thanks for reading my review and stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Crobat Prime from Unleashed.


  1. I want this steelix way to much. I just need some steel energy...

  2. Unleashed has really cool cards, especially Prime cards.

  3. I have this! One of the three Primes I pulled. Really great card. I even pulled a Steelix in the same pack, and an Onix! One of the best packs ever!

  4. My favorite prime in the set is a tie between ursarang and kingdra. Kingdra is amazing to play with and ursarang hes the best artwork.

  5. I really want too use this along with blissey prime [stelissy] I think that blissey and chanseys poke body's or powers I can't quite remember are a good blend with getting those needed energys on and blissful nurse can heal all Pokemon when it evolves so its basically a beast, but is this a good deck I know it's not legall being the black and white format but just as a play deck with friends and what not any ones opinion would really help .
