Pokemon Links

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Luxray GL Lv. X (Rising Rivals)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Luxray GL Lv. X from the Rising Rivals set. It has fairly decent hp of 110 which is above average for stage 1 Lv. X cards. A x2 weakness to fighting type Pokemon is nice because fighting Pokemon aren't that popular, it could be a lot worse if Luxray GL Lv. X was weak to fire or water Pokemon then it could easily be knocked out in two moves. A resistance of -20 to metal type Pokemon won't do much since they aren't too prevalent. What is really nice about Luxray GL Lv. X is that it doesn't have any retreat cost so you are free to move Luxray GL Lv. X in and out of your active Pokemon position as often as you like. Luxray GL Lv. X's Poke-Power Bright Look can only basically be used once but it can all but guarantee a knock out of a defending Pokemon if you play it right. Bright Light allows you to, when you play Luxray GL Lv. X onto Luxray GL, switch your opponent's active Pokemon with one of their benched Pokemon whichever one you choose, the Pokemon to switch in there would be a Pokemon you could knock out on that one turn. To knock out the defending Pokemon you could always use Luxray GL's only move Flash Impact which takes 2 energy cards, 1 colorless and 1 electric and does 60 damage, which is quite high for only two energy cards, the only downside with this move is that it does 30 damage to one of your own Pokemon, at your choosing. As far as playing Luxray GL Lv. X I would definitely utilize it's Poke-Power and knock out one of the defending Pokemon and it is a really quick card too, since it only needs two energy cards to do 60 damage so if you are lacking energy on other powerful Pokemon you can just put Luxray GL Lv. X and do your 60 damage and then retreat it the next turn for free. So thanks again for reading my review and stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Milotic ex from EX Emerald.


  1. i have one thing to say team galactic's invention g 10somthing energy gain

  2. you can also use manectric from platinum to prevent its downfall
    with manectric and energy gain its one of if not the best lvlx card

  3. When will you talk about your life in general again? What are your plans for this summer?

  4. @Cheetahosu I will be doing a lot more of that once school gets out I am really busy right now since finals are about to begin

  5. @Carlos, no menetric wont work because it says to one of your pokemon and menectric only protects the bench.... so you would have to do the damage luxray....

  6. hey,
    I have been collecting for a month and already have more then 1000 cards.I already have two ex cards.


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. i love your reveiws they give me a reason to collect pokemon cards
