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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Drapion Lv. X (Platinum)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Drapion Lv. X from the Platinum set. This card is basically a stage 2 Pokemon card and has 130 hp which isn't too bad for a Lv. X and is the highest in the Platinum set, tied with Giratina. A x2 weakness to Psychic type Pokemon could hurt it, but like I said in one of my earlier reviews a lot of Psychic Pokemon don't have that powerful of hp attacks but rather have special condition moves or are able to spread damage around. Nevertheless Drapion has no resistance type and a high retreat cost of 3 colorless energy cards, so you'll lose a lot of cards if you decide to move Drapion to your active Pokemon spot. Drapion's Poke-Power Tri-Poison is very good, it lets you once per turn if you flip heads poison any one of the defending Pokemon and it allows you to put 3 damage counters on that Pokemon instead of 1. Drapion's only move works really well with Tri-Poison its move is called Sniping Tail and does 40 hp damage for a costly for energy cards, 2 darkness energy and 2 colorless, this move also does 40 damage to one of your opponent's benched Pokemon you choose and it also makes your opponent's Pokemon unable to retreat the following turn. The reason I say this works well with Tri-Poison is that one of the ways to remove poison from an active Pokemon is to retreat it but if you use Tri-Poison and flip a heads you are able to poison the defending Pokemon give it an additional 30 hp damage, then use Sniping Tail and do another 40 damage and 40 damage to another benched Pokemon and then force your opponent to stay in and face you, so if you get lucky enough to poison the active Pokemon and have enough energy to use Drapion's move you can basically knock out every Pokemon there is as long as your opponent doesn't have any supporters/trainers that remove poison and Drapion Lv. X can last long enough to knock out that Pokemon. As far as strategy goes I would try and get Drapion Lv. X onto your bench as soon as possible so you could utilize its Poke-Power, I would actually start poisoning the bench Pokemon first until you moved Drapion out to your active spot, then like I was saying earlier I would use Sniping Tail to make your opponent unable to retreat and knock it out very quickly. Because within 1 full turn and the beginning of another, Drapion can do 100 hp damage to the defending Pokemon if it is Poisoned and 40 damage to a benched Pokemon and also poison another Pokemon on your opponent's bench if you get lucky enough and spin a heads. So this card is very strong, I don't even think you would have to use this card in a dark deck but you could just use the card for its Poke-Power and keep it on your bench the whole time just to poison the defending Pokemon. Once again thanks for reading my review and stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Regigigas Lv. X from Stormfront.


  1. U know that u need to have drapion to lvl up right??
    Also could u do crobat prime from unleashed????

  2. O and could u do ursaring prime??

  3. @infernape1010 I could do both of them in a few weeks.

  4. Hey primetime,it been one week since i ask you about the ryhperior lv x from legends awakened review of the day at youtube,my youtube account is supermagmorter.

  5. @Peter I get a lot of requests but I will be doing yours within a week.
