Pokemon Links

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Dragonite (Legends Awakened)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Dragonite from the Legends Awakened set, I actually tried to use this card in one of my decks but I thought it used too many energy cards so I had to remove it from my deck and add Kyogre from Legends Awakened to my Water deck instead. But enough of my deck, lets get on with the review. Dragonite has 140 Hp which is good even though it is a stage 2 Pokemon, surprisingly it only has a +30 weakness to colorless Pokemon instead of the x2 most powerful Pokemon have, and colorless Pokemon usually aren't too powerful, unless you are facing one of the dragon Pokemon, like Salamence, so this weakness shouldn't be a problem. A resistance to fighting of -20 hp is nice but nothing special. A 3 colorless energy retreat cost is costly but more than likely if you took the time to stack Dragonite with energy cards you don't want to retreat it. This Dragonite doesn't have any Poke-Powers or Poke-Bodies but it does have two moves. The first move is called Hyper Beam which needs 3 colorless energy cards to perform. This move does 40 hp damage and you also flip a coin and if it is heads you may discard an energy card from the defending Pokemon. I would have liked this move to be only 2 energy for doing only 40 damage, but I guess this move isn't unreasonable for 3 energy since it does give you the chance to discard an energy card from your opponent. Dragonite's second move can be deadly, it is called Draco Meteor and takes 4 colorless energy cards to perform. This move does 50 damage to each of your opponent's Pokemon you flip a heads on when you flip a coin for that Pokemon. So this card could be extraordinary, average, or worthless depending on your luck. But as I was saying earlier, especially if your opponent's deck has a type that is weak to normal Pokemon, i.e. normal type Pokemon, if you flip a head on that Pokemon and it is a basic Pokemon more than likely it will knock it out, so you could end up taking 2 or 3 prize cards on just one turn using this move. As far as playing Dragonite I would try and get Dragonite as your active Pokemon as soon as possible so you can use Draco Meteor on your opponent's benched Pokemon, and the sooner you use this move the more likely your opponent will have weaker Pokemon on their bench and the easier they will be to be knocked out. And most Pokemon will be knocked out in 2 turns with this move if you get 2 heads in a row on that Pokemon, so even if your opponent had time to evolve some Pokemon on their bench you can still knock them out. So all in all this card is powerful, and spreads the damage around using Draco Meteor, just be prepared to wait awhile to be able to use either of Dragonite's moves, I would definitely include trainers/supporters which let you find energy quickly and cards that let you search your deck for evolved Pokemon quickly so you can use Draco Meteor early in the game to inflict the most damage on your opponent. So thanks for reading this review and stay tuned for tomorrow's review which will be on Salamence Lv. X.


  1. Hey, I'm thinking about sending you some cards. What would you like? I have some cool holos and stuff.

  2. @Cheetahosu Thanks, and if you have any Charizard cards I would like them most of all. But anything I would be very grateful for.

  3. Hey PrimetimePokemon, I was wondering, in your updated holo/lv.X etc... update would you be willing to trade the Lucario Lv.X non promo and Lucario from Legends awakened for the piece of lugia you're missing and a Charizard G Lv.X promo?

  4. Sorry i forgot to mention in my other comment, I could send my cards first if you like

  5. @HitmonRyan I can't do anything right now since I'll be at college until the end of May, sorry.

  6. Alright thanks for informing me. No problem, have fun in class :P
