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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Dialga G Lv. X (Platinum)

Happy Easter everyone! Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Dialga G Lv. X from the Platinum set. It has 120 hp which is pretty decent and the same as the Palkia Lv. X card in this set. Its weakness which is x2 to fire type Pokemon will really destroy this card, especially since fire Pokemon are the most prevalent type in decks out there. A resistance of -20 to Psychic type Pokemon and a two colorless energy retreat cost are about both average for this type of card. Now onto Dialga's Poke-Body which is Time Crystal which says that each Pokemon both yours and your opponent's can't use any Poke-Body which can be extremely useful if you plan your deck around this idea using Pokemon which don't rely on Poke-Bodies and at the same time hoping your opponent depends on Poke-Bodies quite a bit. Dialga G's only move is called Remove Lost which does 80 hp damage for 4 energy, 2 metal and 2 colorless. Besides doing 80 hp damage you also flip a coin until you get tails, for each heads remove an energy card from the defending Pokemon and place it in the lost zone. This move even though costing a lot, can really hurt your opponent especially if they have a Pokemon that has an attack which also costs 4 or more energies, and also it will make your opponent need to search their deck more for energy cards since they can't retrieve the one's from the Lost Zone, so your opponent will go through the deck quicker and might lose that way as well. As far as strategy goes with this card, I would get it out as soon as possible onto your bench so that you can disable your opponent's Poke-Bodies therefore disrupting their game plan. I would make sure that I have the necessary trainers/supporters to get 4 energy cards onto Dialga G Lv. X as soon as possible so I can start dominating with Remove Lost. I would also try and have other cards in my deck which also use your opponent's Lost Zone so most of their cards will end up in there. So thanks for reading my review of Dialga G Lv. X from the Platinum set, and stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Palkia G Lv. X from the Platinum set as well.


  1. do you have one extra of this card???can i trade it??? i really love dialga

  2. Nice card. One of the few I don't have in Platinum.

  3. @yugioh103 The Lost Zone is a place where you put Pokemon cards during play and once you moves cards here they can't be used any longer in the game
