Pokemon Links

Saturday, April 17, 2010

It's a pretty nice day today outside here in Minnesota, I'm just relaxing and on the Internet and listening to the radio station KDWB, they play mostly hit music. I haven't done much today at all I finished up my economic development homework, I was going to start studying for my Microeconomics test but I'll wait until tomorrow to study for that. I was watching the NBA playoffs earlier today, I watched the Bulls vs. Cavaliers game, which was a lot closer than I thought it was going to be, my roommate here in college is a Bulls fan since he is from Chicago so he was pretty upset the Bulls lost even though he knew they would. Other than that I've been answering comments and messages on YouTube and Facebook most of the day, I guess I slept in until 11 this morning so I haven't been up too long today. I'm glad I don't get too many channels on my TV in my dorm room otherwise I would be watching that all day especially with the NBA playoffs starting and the Minnesota Twins playing almost everyday. Hopefully I will be able to bring my car up to school next year then I probably will go watch some Timberwolves games up in Minneapolis since it won't be too far away from college. On facebook today I had some new suggestions for cards of the day, so I will be doing Machamp Lv. X and Shaymin Sky Forme Lv. X later this week, so make sure if you want me to review some cards tell me in the comments of this post, I only do what you all request. I have had a lot of trade requests lately on YouTube but I won't be able to trade or anything until the summer because I am at college until May 26th and all my Pokemon cards are at home. That is the main reason I can't do give aways and trades so much on YouTube because I am never at home, I usually make a lot of videos at once and then post them once a week while I'm at school. This is completely random but I bought a Pibb Xtra today out of the vending machine and I got 2 for the price of one so I was pretty happy about that, I then always go to mycokerewards.com and put in my codes there so I can get the points and try to win stuff there, I play this instant win game there that takes 3 points and you play a slot machine to see if you can win a $15 gift card to Best Buy. I don't know what I would buy if I won that though, maybe Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver but I would never have enough time to play one of those games, maybe I would buy something for my car there, but I already have a sound system in my car so I don't know what else best buy would have. I was thinking when I get home that I would post a video on youtube of my car and car system what would you think of that? Would you guys be interested in seeing that or do you just want me to only open Pokemon cards and that's it? I guess I don't have much else to say, so this is PrimetimePokemon and I'm out.


  1. If you wanted to do things like post videos of your car stereo you would probably be better of creating another Youtube account and linking them.

  2. I have a question about Meganium Lv. X. I posted it on the card review.

  3. You need to stick with opening packs, I think. Your not a car channel.
