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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Raichu Lv. X (Stormfront)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Raichu Lv. X from the Stormfront set, I'm doing this review on account of dade7117's request once again. If you have requests for reviews make sure to comment on this post and tell me what to review. So today we have another Lv. X card this time it's Raichu, the first thing I notice about this level x card that is especially rare for more powerful cards is that it has no retreat cost which is very nice so you can retreat without losing any energy. It's hp of 110 could be a little bit better, I wished it would have been at least 120 but you can still retreat for no cost if you do get into any trouble since its hp is a little lower than wanted. On to Raichu's Poke-Body which is called Link Lightning, this says that when you put Raichu Lv. X onto Raichu and use Voltage shoot right after that you can attack again once you get done using Voltage Shoot, so this basically means the first time you use Raichu Lv. X you can attack twice. And this Poke-Body goes along really nicely with its only move Voltage Shoot which does 80 damage to anyone of you opponents Pokemon you choose, the only downside to the move being that you have to discard the 2 electric energy that were needed to complete the move, all you're left with on Raichu is one random colorless energy. So my strategy for this card would be to once again wait a little while into the game before actually putting Raichu Lv. X on top of Raichu so you can use its Poke-Body, that way if your opponent has a really strong active Pokemon and you have enough energy you can do 160 hp damage to the Pokemon and more than likely knock it out. If your opponents Pokemon isn't very strong you can always knock out one of it's bench Pokemon if they have any basic Pokemon on their bench and then inflict a significant amount of damage on another one of their Pokemon with the second attack of Voltage Shoot. In the case you don't have more than 3 energy on Raichu Lv. X you can always do a move from the Raichu underneath the Raichu Lv. X if there is a move applicable with only 1 colorless energy. Raichu's resistance of +20 to metal probably won't do too much for it since Metal Pokemon aren't too popular, its x2 weakness to fighting might be a problem though especially since it already has farely low hp for a lv. x. All in all this card is good, I especially like how you can attack twice in one turn, this can be very damaging to your opponent and it might be the final push you need to win the game. So thanks for reading my Raichu Lv. X review, tomorrow I will be reviewing some Eevee evolution card, I'm not sure which one yet, any suggestions? Again thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more reviews tomorrow.


  1. Could you review Dragonite ex form ex dragon.
    ps i really love your vids, they're awsome.

  2. @ultimateguy94 I will in about a week
    @Jay thanks a lot

  3. I pulled this card from a D&P Stormfront pack a couple weeks ago and have been in love with it ever since! Really like the art work (Raichu's eyes seem to glow on the card!). Thanks for the review of this great card =)

  4. @dad7117 you're very welcome and every card I've reviewed so far I've really liked, I can never run out of ideas of how to play these cards. I can't wait to review more cards.

  5. can you rewiew raquaza c lv.x its a good card ps youtube username is munchlax555

  6. @zack I sure can but it will be about a week or two before I can.

  7. I know you have a lot of people messaging you to review cards but after all those do you think you could review Toxicroak from Platinum Arceus?

  8. @HitmonRyan I sure will in about 2 weeks

  9. i really like the artwork and its damage is pretty good. i dont have this card i would lie to have but i dont have much money for packs because i just spent it yesterday on a shiny suicune tin
