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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Raichu (Heart Gold/Soul Silver)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Raichu from the Heart Gold/Soul Silver set. I am doing this review on account of a follower of mine's request, he/she's username on my blog is: "goofy". To be honest I haven't opened any HGSS cards yet, but my first impression of this card is the artwork it is more of a cartoonish design, which I really don't mind. This Raichu has 90 hp which is pretty decent for a stage 1 Pokemon and has 2 moves that are both very good. Its first move Iron Tail is a move that does 30 damage times the number of heads you get when you're flipping a coin until you get a tails, the only bad thing about this move is that you might waste a turn by not being able to do any damage at all. But for only one colorless energy and a 50/50 chance of doing at least 30 hp damage to your opponents Pokemon, is definitely a good move to have. And with only 2 electric energies cards attached to Raichu you can do thunderbolt which does 100 hp damage to your opponents Pokemon, but it's only downfall is that you have to discard both energy cards attached to Raichu. So I've told you the two moves now I'll tell you my strategy about how to use them. First off, since Raichu is a stage 1 Pokemon and is going to be evolved from Pikachu more than likely when you get this card into play it will already have some energy cards attached to it, so I would use Thunderbolt as soon as I get Raichu into play to knock out one of your opponents Pokemon, and then once you knock out your opponents Pokemon, hopefully they don't have anything set up on their bench that is very powerful because I would have supporter cards in my hand to allow me to always have a lot of energy in my hand so that after I discard both energies from Raichu I can easily attach any energy to Raichu and perform Iron tail, and I only need two heads in a row to knock out most basic Pokemon. Another kind of supporter I would like to have is one that allows me to retrieve energy cards from my discard pile, since you'll be using Thunderbolt quite a bit, you will be discarding a lot of energies you will need later in the game. The only thing that I don't really like about this card is its resistance which is -20 to metal, I don't like this because there really aren't that many good metal Pokemon out there, so I don't think that resistance will do Raichu much good. So if you have any questions about this card, please make sure and comment and ask me about it. Thanks for reading, and this is PrimetimePokemon and I'm out.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. you forgot to point out how its has NO retreat cost!! i mean if you have two of these on a bench, switching between them in a recharging motion it would be devistating, this is a card if you built a dec around could be pritty powerfull, since pikachu is a poster boy theres some realy good pikachus out there and pichu is a cherry to a big yellow cake, just what other pokemon card would be its supporter? , somthing that can aid its burning energy weakness, somthing that is a good sweeping aid or maybe the generic "helps vs the weakness" like a spychic or water type

  3. @ Rohan thanks for pointing out the whole no retreat cost thing I can't believe I totally missed that when I reviewed the card.

  4. i really like the artwork its damage for thunderbolt rocks its hp is actually pretty good. i used to have this card but i traded it for a ampharos prime the kid said he really needed it to complete his raichu deck

  5. It's also good to have two Raichu, one active and one benched, and also a Eelektrik, so you can just use Eelektrik's poke power to get one energy from discart pile to your benched Raichu and put one energy on it from hand and then retreat the active Raichu with no cost... In this way you can do 100hp damage every turn if you have an energy on hand.

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