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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Lugia Legend (Heart Gold/Soul Silver)

Today's Pokemon of the Day is Lugia Legend from the Heart Gold/Soul Silver set, I know I said I was going to review Porygon Z Lv. X today but opening all my HGSS packs today got me too excited and I couldn't wait any longer to review this card, just because it is the rarest you can get in the set. So first off just in case you don't know how to play this Legend card, you have to have both cards in your hand before you can put this Pokemon on your bench, I believe, correct me if I'm wrong that you can use regular trainers and supporters to find this card in your deck, by this card I mean either the top or bottom half, and once you combine these two halves, this Lugia Legend card is played exactly like any other Pokemon card out there. Now on to the review of the card. First off Lugia's Hp of 130 is pretty good for basically a basic Pokemon or a stage 1 Pokemon depending on how you consider having two cards be one Pokemon, but stage 1 or basic 130 hp is really good. A retreat cost of only 1 colorless energy is also really good for a Pokemon of this strength, a x2 weakness to electric Pokemon may be troublesome but 130 hp will last awhile against those type of Pokemon especially if they aren't stage 2. A -20 hp resistance to fighting Pokemon is okay but it really doesn't do too much for Lugia since it has such a high Hp. Lugia Legend's Poke-Power is very interesting, its power called Ocean Grow says that once you play Lugia Legend that you should take the first five cards off the top of your deck and attach each energy card you find there to Lugia, but discard the ones that are not. This could be a good and bad move since you may have important cards that you are forced to discard and therefore will need to add supporters/trainers to your deck that allow you to search your discard pile for cards you need if you want to use Lugia's Poke-Power. But at the same time Lugia's Poke-Power is very could because it could potentially add 5 energy cards to Lugia at the same time and its only move Elemental Blast takes 3 energies, 1 fire, 1 water, and 1 electric, and you must discard all three when you perform Elemental Blast which is very powerful and does 200 hp damage. As far as strategy is concerned with this card since Lugia needs 3 different types of energy to perform Elemental Blast I would make sure that your deck includes 1 or 2 of these different energies and also to use 4 each of multi-energy, double-colorless, and rainbow energy in your deck to account for the wide variety of energy types needed to perform Elemental Blast. I would wait later in the game too, to play Lugia Legend, I would try and build it up as much as possible on your bench before you make Lugia your active Pokemon, because Elemental Blast with do one hit knock outs on just about every Pokemon out there so if you have enough energy cards attached to Lugia you should be able to sweep your opponent with Lugia alone because Lugia should be able to withstand at least 2 or 3 stage 2 Pokemon's attacks because of its high hp. Also in your deck I would include besides the trainers to retrieve cards from you discard pile but trainers to retrieve energy cards from your deck as well. Overall I think this Lugia Legend card could be very powerful if used right and I'm glad they included this card in the HGSS set. Stay tuned for tomorrow's review where I will for sure be doing Porygon Z Lv. X from Majestic Dawn.


  1. actually alph lithograph is the rarest card in the set. The odds of getting one is 1 in 3 boxes.

  2. if lugia (soul silver) is the best then soul silver pwn ho-oh (heart of gold) woot go lugia

  3. shouldnt the ho oh card be the same rarity as this card?

  4. Very cool, all i need is the bottom half now!

  5. that card is prehaps the coolest looking card ever


  7. ye lugia is THE BEST it is waaaaaay better than ho-oh by miles.i cant believe elemental blast does that much it is awesome 2 the max!!!!

  8. my brother is stupid he prefers ho-oh i have played heart gold and ho-oh is practically impossible 2 catch i needed like 45 ultra balls and yet it still took me at least 5 tries!even the level 70 lugia is easier 2 catch and that is miles stronger.

  9. Looks awsome now to get the top half

  10. i love your videos my bf and i have our own collection every time i get a few dollars i get me and him a pack when i can but its not alot i wish i had as many as you

