Pokemon Links

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Leafeon (Majestic Dawn)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Leafeon Lv. X. After looking at this card I see it has loads of potential, first off I notice it has 10 more hp then Glaceon Lv. X which only has 100 hp. But Leafeon has a weakness of +30 to fire which could be very crucial late in the game since fire decks are so prevalent and like normal grass Pokemon it has a -20 resistance to water Pokemon. Now that I'm at the bottom of the card I might as well mention the retreat cost which is two colorless energy which in my opinion is very steep for only a stage 1 lv. x but I guess Leafeon's Poke-Power contributes to this high retreat cost since you can move more than 1 energy card to Leafeon each turn. So onto Leafeon's amazing Poke-Power which is called Energy Forcing and says that once during your turn you may attach an energy card from your hand to any one of your Pokemon, so in reality you can attach two energies per turn. This Poke-Power then works really well with its only move which is Verdant Dance which does 30 damage plus 10 more damage for all the energy cards attached to all your Pokemon. Now onto my favorite part of the review the strategy part. I would try and get Leafeon Lv. X in play as soon as possible so you can use it's Poke-Power for as long as possible, and along with Leafeon Lv. X I would include either a Pokemon (Claydol) or supporter/trainer that allows you to get energies into your hand very quickly so that you can attach 2 energy cards per turn and by doing this you can build up Pokemon cards on your bench that need a lot of energy to execute. So if you had a high hp card that was a basic Pokemon I would try and play that as your active Pokemon right away so you can get a lot of energy cards built up on the rest of your Pokemon while you are stalling with your active Pokemon and then once that Pokemon is knocked out or you decide to retreat it I would put in Leafeon Lv. X and use Verdant Dance which could easily do 60 hp each time and the more energy cards you have out the better. So I would also try and make sure my bench was full as soon as possible so I could spread my energy cards out equally so that I don't have too many energies on one card when it only needs 3 energies to do its max move anyways. What I would try to do, but it would be mean, would be to save Leafeon Lv. X until you have almost all your energy cards in your deck in play and just use Verdant Dance every time doing like 130 damage every turn and knocking out your opponent's Pokemon one after another. The only hard thing about saving Leafeon would be making sure that you have enough Pokemon left in your deck to put on your bench and actually then attach energy cards to, because if you just attach all your energy cards to Leafeon you will definitely lose the game if somehow Leafeon gets knocked out. But all in all Leafeon Lv. X is a very exciting card and if played right can be very dominate. Stay tuned for tomorrow's review which will be of Absol Lv. X. Thanks for reading and if you have any comments or suggestions make sure and comment on this post.


  1. How many brothers do you have and are they/is he into pokemon as much as you are ???

  2. Thanks for the review of this cool card! Sometimes I forget just how dynamic some of poke-powers and poke-bodies of these cards are. And it's nice to have a fresh perspective on how to play them.

  3. @ ultimateguy94 I have 2 brothers but neither are into Pokemon as much as I am.

    @ dade7117 you're very welcome and I really love doing these reviews I like to give my opinion and if you want to give your's in the comments go ahead

  4. Can you please do a Palkia G (platinum) card of the day?

  5. @Matthew I can do the review in about 2 weeks.

  6. this would be a great card with tyranitar from stormfront or gardenoir from platinum

  7. add sceptile from great encounters with wild growth ability and shaymin land form lv X for +40 HP and tech a umbreon from MD, you'll basically have a 150 hp no weakness free retreat cost tank sitting out there with energies doubling every other turn and if you use the leafeon from RR + dawn stadium = talk about major healing lol.

  8. what card pack do u get the card in?
