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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Gengar Lv. X (Arceus)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Gengar Lv. X out of the Arceus set, here is another one of those cards where the Pokemon looks like it is coming out of the card and I really like these designs, and it also makes Gengar look really crazy, like a powerful Psychic Pokemon should. Off the bat I'll look at Gengar's Hp which is 140 which is really good considering it's weakness it x2 to dark Pokemon and there really aren't too many dark Pokemon out there. Its resistance of -20 to normal Pokemon is really nice because about every deck I've seen, there is always one normal Pokemon just to get things started so it won't be very effective on this Gengar. I like Gengar's Poke-Power Level Down which says that every turn you may de-evolve your opponent's Level X Pokemon and put that Level X card back into your opponent's deck. It's surprising that you can actually do this Poke-Power every turn, I would have thought that this power would have only been able to be used when you evolved Gengar into Gengar Lv. X. Gengar Lv. X's only move Compound Pain does 30 damage to each of your opponent's Pokemon that already has damage counters on it and it does this for only 3 energy cards, 2 psychic and 1 colorless. This is a really good way to knock out many Pokemon at once. As far as strategy goes I would definitely want to get Gengar Lv. X onto my bench as soon as possible so I could use its Poke-Power Level Down, but I wouldn't want to make Gengar my active Pokemon until I get some damage on my defending Pokemon, so I would include in my deck a Pokemon that has a move that does something like 10 hp damage to all your opponent's Pokemon, as long as it does damage to all your opponent's Pokemon that's all you need to make Gengar Lv. X very powerful, and basically able to knock out any basic Pokemon on your opponent's bench in two moves. Even though Gengar Lv. X does have 140 Hp which is really nice, just in case you get in trouble it has a free retreat cost which is very nice, so instead of having it feint you can retreat it back to your bench and still make sure your opponent can't use any Lv. X cards against you. So I really like this card and if I were to make a Psychic deck I would definitely use this card, especially if you were doing a spread damage type deck, even if you aren't using a Psychic Deck you may want to consider Gengar Lv. X for its Poke-Power alone. So thanks for reading this review and stay tuned for tomorrow's card which will be my first ex review and it will be on Dragonite ex from the ex Dragon set.


  1. Hey,really nice review! I like that card and need it for my fighting/phychic deck. Do you have one? I'm just wondering, I don't want to make it sound like I want yours.

  2. Seems like this is the only Lv.X card i have not pulled out of Platinum Arceus >< Oh well, gives me a good excuse to keep buying them.

  3. hey primetime i got some new cards ,inspired by u, but i dont no how to like make a deck out of them u think u could make a vid on how 2 if u can thx

  4. That would be a nice additon to my psych deck

  5. there should be a lvlx hitmonlee
    hitmonlle #1 FAn

  6. Could you do a review of Gengar Fossil Set 20/62? I like him a lot, but he's not to powerful anymore :(

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