Pokemon Links

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I thought I would just add a little bit more to my blog before I hit the hay, make sure and check out my Armaldo card review below this if you haven't done so already. I've been really busy today, a lot of homework to do. I had to do an Economic Case Study on Chile with 3 other guys from my class, it was cool we actually didn't have to meet but we just started a google document and then we could all answer our questions together online at the same time without leaving our rooms. I'm still having a lot of trouble with my Programming Languages class, I've talked to my professor quite a bit about my test and he basically gives me the answers, which I like, but I won't learn the stuff that way at all, I still might drop that class and focus on my Economics major, I'll have to see how tomorrow goes with my Computer Science professor. Other than that I don't have too much else to say other than Happy St. Patrick's Day! If you celebrate that, I don't think I'm Irish at all and I don't drink or anything like that so I'll be getting to bed early tonight since I have to wake up at 5:30 tomorrow morning for work again. I can't wait to open all the Heart Gold/Soul Silver stuff I've bought lately, I actually have a lot of it sitting in my dorm room right now unopened because I don't have a good camera here to open stuff with, it would just be low quality, so I have to wait about a week and a half to open them, next Friday I will finally be home for spring break. But I best be getting to bed. PrimetimePokemon is out!


  1. Nice blog, ill be coming here alot... thanks primtime for your effort....
    I'll uploading 2 videos today of opening 10 HeartGold SoulSilver booster packs.... this will be my first time opening a pokemon cards in about 10 7years so there will be some wuestions at the end if you could answer them for me?

  2. All right I'll have to watch the videos and try and answer the questions.
